I prefer brutality
Forgot about that build, you just made me think about it. Haven’t tried DW but I did try it with 2h runebinder and it’s just a little bit worse than Elemental balance.
I prefer brutality
Forgot about that build, you just made me think about it. Haven’t tried DW but I did try it with 2h runebinder and it’s just a little bit worse than Elemental balance.
@madlee tried imp. You’re right, it’s not noticeable lag but it isn’t really noticeable damage either most of the time cause things just die before it can get going. Also I don’t see enough aetherfire when bound to storm spread. Looked like binding it to seal is a bit more reliable. It’s so good during that small window where it’s significant though - when Kuba spawns on 160/170. Helps a lot counteracting that heal. I think I’m keeping it. Thanks!
edit: There’s a bit of misevaluation on my part. Aetherfire does proc enough but the damage increase isn’t noticeable cause I lose a good amount of weapon damage, so it ends up being equal in most cases. I did fully tank 4 nems with Kuba heal tho (reaper, fabius, valdaran, kuba) so maybe if you get a lucky proc streak it can do better. I’ll probably need more testing
Sounds self-defeating now that I think about it. Every single projectile and damage source gets cut by armor isnt it?
Physical damage only.
Well i was commenting on the physical damage build for storm spread. Shotgunning simply doesnt work for physical damage builds due to how armor works.
This looks fantastic. I can’t wait to respec one of my std aegis purifiers. Why not 1 point into hellfire mines? It seems like you’re doing a fair bit of chaos damage dude.
Honestly I wouldn’t call the amount of chaos damage in this build ‘a fair bit’. It’s too small, imo.
Tested it out on crucible. It’s even better than I imagined. This build really shines for crowds. Great job, man.
Ok so I am new, currently have a 65 dw purifier and i was looking at your devotions to see where I should go next after getting meteor shower. But, as a newbie, I am a little confused. Why Dying Gods? Its vitality and chaos right, but I dont really see that as viable in a mostly elemental build. So have I missed something?
Dying god is mostly about that last node that gives you the proc. It provides attack speed and crit damage which is very useful for this build, especially since we can’t cap attack speed without it. The first few nodes aren’t useless, either. It gives us a good amount of our OA.
This kinda setup (get 1 good devotion then dying god) is pretty common on builds that rely on attack/cast speed that have good support leaning on the left side of the devotion map, if you’re curious.
Very curious! Lol just when I think I understand the game a little better, I get thrown for a loop.
So is Flame Torrent and Meteor shower not worth the points then? For a DW build?
My current grimcalc: /calc/eZPeQRjN
Hard for me to view grimtools on mobile, but you can pick all three of flame torrent, meteor and dying god without sacrificing anything. Look at my devotions there.
Oh snap, my bad. I was looking at sir spanksalots build instead of yours. He doesnt have them.
I see, ok so I am pretty much on track with yours, working my way through primordial now
Still a really solid build (though i switched out the boots for stonehide stoneplate greaves of kings, less stun res which is def annoying lol but more everything else. and its really tanky for a class combo that is only decently tanky. Too bad there are other builds that do more dps but this is def pretty safe for purifier. The dps of only 45k is def misleading as its doing a ton of hits esp with all those shotgun procs going off and intel i5, with geforce 1050 ti makes this playable, def could be very laggy with the overabundance of explosions and meteors so need a good rig to play.