I replaced it with a Riftstone for Chaos Strike because this build tends to clear pretty fast once it’s up and running. I don’t miss the extra -10% Vitality RR. I also replaced Panther/Fiend with Rat/Turtle in the devotions for a little more defense and an automatic circuit breaker. That 4200 damage absorption from Turtle is quite nice with the massive healing this build has and worth the sacrifice of crit damage IMO.
Ah, thank you for the suggestions!
Yeah, Solael’s Flame isn’t necessary.
It adds a good damage boost and is a good Devotion binder as an instant cast debuff, and there’s a fair amount of downtime as a CD caster.
If you don’t want to bother with it you can just replace it with a passive stat boosting Component or the Riftstone.
This build is a lot of fun. Anyone who uses RE as a main source of dmg gets bonus points in my book since most builds seem to use it just for the -%dmg debuff.
It also has the bonus of shocking people with its massive hp pool in multiplayer despite not being sword and board. While it’s more a consequence of synergy than anything else, I find the skills used just look good together too.
Its attacks are aesthetically pleasing together.
So this is the first hungering void build I’ve tried and wondering what the best way to sustain the life drain from it is? Other than that small problem, really enjoying the build so far.
You should take HV last if you followed the leveling guide in the second post.
By the time you get it, your abilities should easily sustain the little health HV takes.
Thanks for posting this. Currently lvl 51 in AoM Normal and smooth as butter. Excellent guide for a new player like myself.
I finally hit 85 with this build and it’s tearing through everything, amazing build! I just had these drop and wondering why there is no mention in the guide for them? I’m guessing it’s because of the low resists, but I’m not sure…
They aren’t bad, but a green lets you cap resists more easily yeah, and can have another useful common suffix like +100 OA or +1000 Health.
The proc on the shoulders is all right, but this build doesn’t really benefit from either Attack or Cast Speed so that part is wasted.
It’s not a bad item though, because it gives the right skill bonuses and a good amount of Vit %.
Glad you guys are enjoying the build.
Great build so far. Only lvl 41 so far but i can honestly say i have never leveled so fast and easy…
Wondered about factions. Assuming its the regular befriend barrowholm and rest dont matter (well you have to side with order ofcourse heh)
Yeah, factions are DV (cause of Necro), and befriend the others.
Thx weyu
Just found this Bonespike… It seems to be incredibly strong: https://imgur.com/a/nEPtHYc
Pretty crap, almost no +% vit dmg, you could get much more
Hello.I am pretty much new to GD, never had char lvl 100 , so sorry if my question is stupid but, is Edric’s Backscratcher better than Padala’s will for leveling , because +2 RE or Padala’s is better coz +% vit damage ? I am still lvl 48 and its melting everything pretty easy, but just wondering.It gave +400 dmg to RE while took like 50 dmg from storm totem (lvl 1 still) or Virulent Maw ?
Thank you
you will need to switch out gear now and then anyways, it does not matter.
I’m looking for solid Vitality caster build that doesn’t rely on a particular item to work.
I was considering this one or http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65775
Which one would be better?
Thanks in advance
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I read everything and didn’t see anything about attribute distribution, grimtools is currently in maintenance so I can’t check there.
The other guide uses mostly faction items and has a much more in-depth leveling guide, so it’s better for your needs.
Same old: enough Cunning/Spirit to equip your items, and rest goes into Physique.
With my items I have around 2.7k DA which is borderline passable and there are a few skills that lower the enemy OA, but at the same time you don’t want to take some big crit for those times the debuff isn’t on an enemy.
So everything beyond item requirements goes into Phys for more DA and HP as a safety net.
There is a potion you get as a quest reward that allows you to reset your attributes, so you can safely allot them now and fine-tune it when you have your endgame gear.
Thank You