[] Mage Rage, 2H Spirit focused Mage Hunter-Cold/elemental caster* 170 extra spawn 8:30


This is it! I’ve always wanted a spirit based mage and I’m pretty sure I’ve outdone myself with this one. I re-imagined my old magerage build to be something more. It uses very similar item setups, but a couple things are changed. Mainly the rings to max over cap maivens, and the gloves to pick up more pierce damage conversion. This build shreds with buffs/banner. But i’m fair certain it can be done with just x2 buffs… or even no buffs if you are super careful/godly at kiting. (although lack of stun resist makes that hard)

The Build:

Who needs hp or da when you can max overcap maiven’s and max over cap inquisitors seal?
Huge damage from runes + chill spikes spam is boosted through the roof by spirit damage increase. I’ve seen 130-140k projectile crits from RoH. Then add over 100k frostburn ticks, and 40-60k spike crits per projectile. I’ve managed a 11 second dummy reset.

Low HP, low DA (refer to above :p)
Somewhat low OA, although helped by RoH DA shred.
Low mobility, this is coming from someone who like having a shadowstrike or blitz.
Low stun resist.
Requires stonehide prefix for boots to fix resists.
Could use more cast speed.

Non-spirit basically unkillable version: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dqYWQV

150-170 extra spawn


?Maybe¿ :eek:

Final Thoughts:
Rune of Hagarrad is beastly and there are so many strong options with it. I hate to say if anything needs to be nerfed. I definitely don’t want this skill put in the dumpster because it looks amazing/ is fun to use, but it is over performing. Maybe a slight toning down of damage scaling might is needed?


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reserved :wink:

LMAO. Love the spirit dump - because doing what’s meta isn’t kool enough.

P.S. Have you considered dropping tortoise for phoenix?

RoH + Chillspikes = Break the game :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought about it, but max lvl tortoise is basically mirror for 2-5 seconds when it is combined with our other defenses. And with a low hp, low da build you are still susceptible taking large, unpredictable burst. It helps prevent that. Plus it gives some defensive stats the build is lacking.

Gratz on posting this sick build. Yes, it’s another seal + roh crucible destroyer, but your approach to it is trully unorthodox and most importantly it works.

If only you could overcome that need to hard cap seal and use Phantom Thread Girdle for 150 more OA :slight_smile:

Just a shameless bump. This didnt get much attention when I originally posted it. The build is a beast, while being insanely safe… Watch the end of the video… Reaper, grava, x2 valdaran while standing on top of a Ekket’zul volcano. I think I’ll add some things to the OP later tonight

54 points in spirit give you less that 5% additional dmg. That`s kinda sad.

Iskandra mage Hunter cannot die. You have to kill it on purpose even if you have shit dmg(tried).

Nice build;)

Possibly the most underrated build on here. The stats on paper deceive people into missing out on something absurdly powerful, especially in group play.

I need to update this post with the physique version. I think people see spirit and think this is a meme build

Deleting mobs at will!

I’ve never seen anything kill so fast >.<

Please for the love of Krieg, post the leveling section, I want to get on this lol

I actually just theorycrafted similar build and realized that you already have the build ready.

Congrats for the build. Hagarrad gloves + luminari medal + at least 2k% elemental damage make RoH damage gone through the roof even not fully overcapped. Not many people realized this.

Also, you may want to dump your point to physique instead, lower your arcanist mastery point, dump the rest of the point to artifact handling, then use double ring of reign of ice and fire. That will surely makes the damage even better.

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Damn, man, maybe you can give my rune build some pointers as well, please. I feel like it’s not optimized (because I don’t care about rune playstyle and cba).

Man, I also don’t like rune playstyle, in main campaign it feels clunky as hell, except if one on one vs boss.

For your build, Respec to this:
and you’ll be just fine… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hell no, I can’t play it and you know why!

This is actually the version of the build ive been playing with most recently https://www.grimtools.com/calc/p25qQnK2

105 Physique and 0 spirit, is this an amateur hour?

Feel the rage of a mage! :cool:

Yeah, this is so good…

Be glad, Valinov. Your thread has been blessed by the Great Lokarr.

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