[] Nex/Ortus Saboteur - 170 viable with 4x buffs and banners (~12-13min clear)

GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxYvkEZ
YT: Unfortunately, the game and recording software crashed as I was doing 170. I might upload a video sometime in the near future.

I’ve always loved the concept of the nex/ortus set. It’s such a shame that it got the arse end of crate’s penchant for making creative items:

  • Piss poor physical to elemental conversion on the item.
  • No innate phys --> ele conversion in either class
  • Fire damage to ABB (why???)
  • Difficult to build around both gear and devotion wise.
  • The granted set proc uses only MH damage IIRC
  • Impossibly difficult to proc devotions efficiently.

As such, there are many decisions I’ve made in this theorycraft of which I’m uncertain about.

Let’s talk about them, shall we?

P.S. For the record - this is another one of my rare builds which uses 100% legit items.

Pretty straightforward IMO. I tried to keep true to the ice/fire concept by mix-&-matching the justice set with various bits and bobs:

  • Elemental balance rings (Duh)
  • Mageslayer amulet - great phys to ele conversion + RR
  • Ravager helm for more RR
  • Chilling grips of hagarrad for pierce conversion
  • This pairs very nicely with the cinderplate girdle
  • Seal of resonance + Seal of the void (the latter for attack speed and another WPS)

All said and done, I have:
> 87% pierce conversion
> 55% phys conversion (this excludes the conversion to chaos)

Skill/Devotion point allocation
> I really wanted to get flashbang over RoS for fumble/DA shred - however, I could not find a reliable way of proccing elemental storm.

I tried dropping fiend to free up firestrike, however, despite the intended design of the set, this is a build which must rely on procs for decent damage.

It’s an unfortunate side effect of needing to invest in 3 constellations with low affinity yield and mediocre nodes to accumulate sufficient/relevant RR.

I was also very much so torn between Attak Seru and Blind sage, but ultimately decided to roll with the latter for more OA, and more relevant %bonus damage.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

LOL, almost the same time when I post my cold saboteur.
The set is indeed hard to build around.

BTW, Why no brimstone? I feel that it’s increasing the damage quite significantly.
Also, flashbang is superior than RoS if you only aim for fumble. I bind elemental storm to flashbang. It is decent, not as good as bloody pox good obviously. You need to cast flashbang every one or two second anyway.

I theorycrafted a lot of Nex/Ortus builds but havent had a chance to field test in 150-170 so you can pin down better as in how much defense and offense is needed.


Overall lot more defensive and i tend to focus more on fire damage to make it go along with Fire Strike.

@Jabrixone: Yeah. :smiley: I just commented on yours too. Why no brimstone? Hmm…lack of points I suppose. Each point effectively yields only 4 fire damage. I felt I can get better bang for my buck elsewhere.

Regarding RoS, I tried Flashbang on nems, but I hate having to cast 2 or sometimes even 4 FBs on nems to ensure a proc. I don’t know. I keep going back and forth between FB and RoS

All in all the lack of decent skills to bind devotions to with the nex/ortus saboteur is VERY annoying.

@Pyroscar: If you look at your tooltip, you’ll notice that 1/3 of your damage is cold. Yet the only RR you have for it comes from the Veil of Shadow.
I stand corrected. Forgot about ele storm. Looks good to me IMO, except for the lack of slow res. I do wonder how you’ll fare against maiden though, because it’s a bitch to get thermite mines on her.

I don’t know…seems like wasted potential to me.

Also - protip: Bind Giant’s Blood to blade barrier for an on-demand circuit breaker. It’s amazing.

EDIT: Not having slow res might be dangerous in crucy. Especially when you need to kite. I wouldn’t trade the legwraps of the tranquil mind for anything else IMO. Even if it’s costing me HP.

I tried to rearrange your skill point a bit so you can softcap explosive strike:

Using flashbang use less skill points in your case. I think low CD of Flashbang is really beneficial to ensure inflicting fumble/impaired aim.

Looks very reasonable. I’ll test it out later today.

BTW, can you lifesteal off brimstone? I mean, I get that it doesn’t have a %WD part to it, but FS does. So…:rolleyes:

I don’t think so :p. Btw, have you tried using justice helm+ulzuin belt+silver sentinel shoulders? Dunno if it looks better that way cause I don’t have pc access right now but it looks great.

Silver sentinel shoulder’s is a great option and one I didn’t even think of.

I’d need to test it though. Currently, the shoulders is (are?) the only thing keeping me alive. 8%hp + 6% phys res is huge.

The build just got a whole lot squishier, but sheet DPS on GT increased by ~12%


I think Justiicar set proc is better that conversion on Silver sentinel

I don’t quite follow, ptir. I mean, with better rolls I think you can cap attack speed.

Explain to my noob mind please. :stuck_out_tongue:

Attack speed overcap is welcome due to slows. Also, the proc damage is kinda great.

But the poison conversion doe

I’m just saying what the pros of justicar are. Don’t really know what will be better :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, just use your GDstash power and make a sick Sabouter with full justice set + 2x Infernal Killrians of Wildfire + Vilgazor’s Heart amulet. Trying to make current Nex/Sabouter work is like gluing yesterday’s shit into a fresh breakfast - it has a high chance it won’t be that good.

I mean, it’s a good effort, but it seriously gimps Sabouter’s potential.

And do yourself a favor and make it purifier :stuck_out_tongue:

@the 2 haters: Where’s the fun in that though? :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure struggling with a melee build isn’t fun for me. I’m no melee guy though.