[] SkeleFamiliar Witching Hour Cabalist - 6:06 Gladiator 151-170 (with banner + 4 buffs)

4:42 what the fucking hell. Are you also using wrath of the beast tincture?

Damn good job!!! I guess I will also learn to make a pet build. Seems so fun…

Edit: what’s the blizzard bound to? Familiar?

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Bysmiel Domination after all… Makes sense with that aether/chaos res from Taskmaster’s and Shadowfiend in place of Lost Souls. And I’m guessing zero in Will of the Crypt is to avoid conversion to vit? Have you considered dropping Master of Death for the same reason or would it be too much?

Amazing what you can do if you don’t get stuck on “I MUST have 10 skeles and familiars at max!”

Just asking: why max Blight Burst and not Rotting Fumes? Numbers look great at that 20/16 and that extra rr from rumor but still… 150+ da shred… seems to me like non-unstable anomaly BB builds still benefit more from universal da shred, no?

I might be wrong here but I think it’s best to bind familiars to witchblade and blizzard to whatever (meaning hounds or fiends).

Just watch the that 4:42 video.
You use wrath of the beast tincture. What will be your time without the tincture?

But seriously, this is fucking amazing. The pets chew everything like it was nothing. Crazy single target damage and good AoE with flame torrent bound to skele.
I thought it will not be that good because it is wasted on the skeleton mage and archer, but it seems that “pet attack” command will make them move to the target, thus the damage will not be wasted. Also, really interesting devotion pattern.

On a side note, with good itemization (hopefully in FG), deceiver might be a good rival for this cabalist. Chaos RR, flat phys that will be converted to chaos with that ring, inquisitor seal, and aura of conviction. Might be interesting if we can make a hybrid pet/gunner with deceiver.

Are you sure that no MI grimcalc link has the correct skills and devo setup? Could you please check and update? Especially devo seems to be the same as the old build had.

Actually you have to manually move them next to the target first (hand cursor), without actually commanding them to attack the target (sword cursor), then command them to attack target. So it’s a little bit of micromanagement involved

I updated the GrimTools links in the OP. I had posted a slightly wrong version of the No-MI build, and I fixed the celestial power bindings of the MI version.

It’s hard to say exactly because there is a decent variance in clear times already (anywhere from 4:42 to 5:20), but I would guess about 5 seconds. The uptime isn’t very good and I don’t use them strategically, it’s just “whenever I remember that it’s an extra button to press”. I’ll see what I can manage without using them tonight.

I usually don’t both with Ravager/Mogdrogen for a couple of reasons. They are not farmable, and they are completely unlike any other content in the game. Since you can only fight them once it makes sense to specialize for that occasaion when you’re going to do it.

That said, unless you’re going to use Sneaky Parrot’s “Get Ravager Stuck Behind the Tree” trick, Cabalists are in for a long fight. Witching Hour Cabalists in particular will suffer because they don’t have the extra CDR to help resummon skeletons at higher frequency. Conjurers I think do much better against the Gods - Cabalists tend to rely heavily on “kill it before it can do too much damage” and on everything else in the game that works.

This build also mixes a lot of damage types with medium RR for all of them. That works great for the general game, but not so well against the Gods which have ~100% resistance to everything.

Actually you have to manually move them next to the target first (hand cursor), without actually commanding them to attack the target (sword cursor), then command them to attack target. So it’s a little bit of micromanagement involved[/QUOTE]
Mercymaker is correct. I always try to pet attack the ground near an enemy instead of the enemy itself. You do the same thing for Familiars in general. It’d probably take some getting used to comming from non-pet builds, but for me it’s second nature.

You have shattered my dreams of using skeletons to play fetch with Ravager :frowning:

Btw, Ravager can be fought more than once. It is only Moggy who refuses to play more than once per difficulty.

Interesting, I was unaware of that. I had tried with Mogdrogen and just assumed Ravager was the same.

I think the best bet for a skeleton Ravager build would be to go with rapid resummon gear, Guardian of Deaths Gate, Necro Conduit, and maybe even Spectral Crown. You’d probably want to go full vitality damage at that point. A Ritualist might actually do good in that role.

Now I’m interested, haha. Maybe I’ll see what I can put together, it would definitely be very different from this build though.

Might as well throw in this here. Ravager of Minds 4mins on a conjurer build. Don’t ask me how he pulled that off since i’ve attempted ravager myself on a few different pet builds and never come close to what he pulled off in that vid

Hey guys :slight_smile:

Amazing build you got there, having a blast with the zoo !
Thats my second char and first ever pet build i try.
But i have this problem. After i change devotions with the new ones i cant equip the witching hour anymore… I’m 507/552 cunning and i’m really curious how can i get out of this situation without putting extra points in cunning if there is a chance at all :slight_smile:
Got alot more questions but this one is my top priority right now :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance.

The most interesting part of that video to me is that the Ravager so rarely attacks him instead of the pets. The times I’ve fought him he was constantly going after me.

You can’t without making other sacrifices. You can use some attribute points (not really that big a deal), or you can use a different devotion path that includes Hawk, something like this. It comes at the cost of Rumor.

I have had a fight like that where he ignored me completely for almost the whole thing. The AI does that sometimes, it is weird.

I was following your no-MI build, where it looks like you missed to put some cunning points in the builder. So cheers for the answer.
May i ask you how is Cleansing Waters working without a bind to skill?

It doesn’t, I use that constellation for the other nodes and for the affinities. I don’t bother binding it to anything because it can’t bind to pets and has a long cooldown. To use it you’d need to have an extra active skill, and you’d need to actually pay close enough attention to use it when it’s both useful and not on cooldown. The effect is super useful, but it’s beyond my ability to micromanage effectively.


Is there a boss/monster that throws the objects that are in your build?

Taskmaster’s Reaper Leggings of Kings
Cabalist’s Wendigo Gaze of Caged Souls

Thanks :slight_smile:

If you look into the grimtools link close enough then you’ll know if they drop from some specific guy.

The Reaper Leggings drops from the, um, Reaper.

And the Wendigo Gaze drops from, um, Wendigos.

Maxed Blight Burst. This skill is great for clearing trash.
:rolleyes: that why i love Unstable Anomaly… for some reason

First off, thanks for the awesome guides. I just got the game a couple weeks ago when it was super cheap on steam and I am still on my first play through where, I am struggling a little bit in act 4 on ult. The devotions i just cant get like yours.

Here is my gear and points. I can’t get my devotions to line up like yours.

I wasn’t a fan of the Dreeg Eye so i went back to Rav Earth and that helped me out some.

Any guidance or suggestions would be awesome! Thanks either way!

Take the point out of crossroads, put it into Ulo, take all 4 points out of Panther, put them in Aeon’s Hourglass

Skeleton builds can be a bit slow if you’re under equipped. They rely pretty heavily on being able to kill things before the skeletons get killed.

Based on what you’ve got, here are some suggestions:

Remove points from Hellhound and Hellfire. Hellhound is weak on his own, and until you have items to provide other chaos damage, and boost Hellfire to high levels (Wildshorn Leggings and Voidwhisper Bands), it’s not going to do much good for you.

Undead Legion has specific “breakpoints” you want to aim for, and being in between those is pretty much a waste of points. At 16 you can get an 8th Skeleton, at 20 you can get a 9th. (not counting the extra 1 from your current weapon). I’d remove 2 points from that unless/until you have the equipment to hit 20.

I’d put the extra points into Manipulation (you want this at 12/12), Familiar (it looks like you don’t have 16 points invested) and probably Curse of Frailty. Until you get Voidwhisper Bands and Witching Hour, you’re probably going to want to get both Curse of Frailty and Vulnerability up to 10/10 as you’ll be dealing a good deal of both Physical and Elemental damage.

Lightning Strike is another skill you probably want to have either 1 point or 12 points in. (1 to help proc Celestial Powers, 12 to be an effective offensive skill)

Generally speaking, in Grim Dawn it is rarely a good idea to evenly distribute your skill points between skills you want to max when you don’t have enough points to max all of them. You get the most bang for your buck when you do it one skill at a time.

Also, don’t be afraid to respec skill points as your items change. Particularly if you’re lacking equipment, you’re going to want to get as much millage out of your skill points as you can.

Item wise, I’d recommend getting up to level 90, getting to Honored reputation with Barrowholm, and buying two Wendigo Conjuring Seals from the faction vender. They give both +2 Familiar and +2 Raise Skeleton, plus some useful Aether resistance. Those will serve you well until you can get Voidwhisper bands. When you get to Reversed with Barrowholm, they sell a really good augment for your weapon/off-hand.

The Black Legion faction sells a pretty good pet medal that can hold you until you get something with skill bonuses to Familiar or Raise Skeleton

Your resistances are also really low, which is going to cause you a lot of trouble. I would change your weapon/off-hand components to Imbued Silver/Purified Salt as a starting point, but try to use augments/components to max those out as much as possible.