Hello, fellow minmaxers, welcome to my starry tread. I lost a lot of Trosan spellcasters in the past and had no use to Invoker set, so I decided to merge them in one character. Results were surprisingly good with fluid gameplay and lots of shiny swirly stuff around. Grimtools
Build explanation:
Pretty simple. Shiny stars fall from the sky and kill stuff. Swirly wind devils move around and imitate a RR source. Grasping vines onepointer spam aether mine everywhere. Ultos hand bound to Aether corruption do Zap-Zap-Zap. Savagery onepointer cause Crete refuse to turn Tenacity intro a passive for unknow reasons. Invoker set and swirly gloves turn our Devastation intro a reliable dmg source.
Build is rather squishy and require some minor kitting against AoM content. Or good timing of Mirror+pot. I didn’t tested this build in crucible, cause I got sick of this place. I think a good player can finish 150+ with 4buffs and banner under 10 minutes.
I love how druids can amass pretty sick damage with Trozan utilizing two damage types and both Rumour and Arcane Mines. Nice twist on a Trozan, but I wish you had somehow found a way around those awkward af wand savagery swings and utilized some kind of component skill instead.
Would probably do just fine in Crucible if you respec into Time Dilation.
Good idea too, it’s just you have so much PRM support with Invoker and so much +arcanist skills on gear. But spamming it between Wind Devil and TSS with 50% cdr is probably a chore, so Storm Totem is a better idea. Well anything would be a better idea instead of awkward Savagery chargin if you change boots
Added 150+ video . Naked caster abused by rapist, animals, charging girls and teleportation! Including 2 Valdran siesta and master of flash in last wave
Build was sorta buffed. Mirror no longer worth more that onepointer, so I maxed inner focus instead.
Still not the best build to explore Crucible, still destroy all content in the game w/o any troubles.