[]Sotonya - Ignaffar flamethrower

OFC you only leech from Weapon dmg unless you have a skill ADCTH modifier.
For example Hearth seeker from PB line affect total dmg from PB. Bun any ADCTH from gear would affect only %WD dmg.

Well hell, been using Haunted Steel for nothing with skills, that have low %WD.
Good to know, thanks!

Nope, you leech from skill’s full damage.

Weird and make no sense, but, well, a lot of stuff in this game make no sense :smiley: Thanx for sharing. Now I think Conduit mod is not strictly inferior to other options.

I want to believe but I have doubts. Cadence would be like ghoul at 4% lifesteal then

Why not) WD part on skill shouldn’t split bonuses only for itself :smiley: Piercing works same.

What do you mean?? Just checked again, even with Cadence it heals more then I have WD.

ADCTH don’t scale past 100% WD, just like Resistance reduction.

it also scales off how much dmg you do. If you do a 350K Cadence it’s gonna lifesteal quite well.

Since part of that 350K is also flat dmg. I don’t know maybe. Could explain why BK is OP with CS

4% of 350k is 14k. Against 85% resistance is 2,1k.

Build updated with MageHunter set :smiley: . I like it. It rock. It freeze! It BURN. :cool:

I understand the desire to convert Frostburn, but I think you are loosing too much damage by giving up an off-hand.

Could you test a version like this?

Warpfire+Consumption of Agrivix was my previous version of this build. Used Condiut of FoI %WD for sustain :smiley:
1)I need 724 spirit to equip that offhand. So , moar points in Arcanist is mandatory. Cant loose ay phyz from wasting points.
2)Need moar sustain. FoI+Fiend is not enough, balance proc help a lot.
3)I like maxed fully converted OFF. It freeze and burn. Can oneshot full wave with a single cast, its awesome.

Oh, you wanted me to work for it, didn’t you :slight_smile:

All right, OA/DA/Sustain and everything you could desire for. This gotta be faster than 9:28!

Look solid https://www.grimtools.com/calc/8NKB8oOZ. But the main theme of this build is OFF abuse. Kinda hard to abuse OFF w/o conversion. If we cant abuse OFF, why bother with magehunter? Invoker is strain out better for anything elemental anyway.

It is funny that both videos are tagged with “diablo 3” as game :cool:

I really want to make a ignaffar build and here is now the chance to do it without a necro mastery.
But i’ll ask before starting to trade for the items which one you prefer. the elemental mage hunter or the apostate one?
Additionally for the vitality one, the zwo decree of aldrich are super hard to get

Here is my vitnafarr http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77942.
I prefer Mage hunter cause less mana PITA.

How are they compared performance wise?
The vitnaffar is more expensive to assemble, but is it also more powerful :confused:
Nevertheless, I like vitality builds, but cant force myself to play another necro class based character.

I think i give this on a shot , only missing 3 items and they are cheaper then the decree

Ty for the build

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPlnRPZ my version that I dropped in the comments of jagermeisters thread the other week… which is actually modified from my current version, but cant link that one