Ouch… posting answers like that, inside the quote - makes really hard to reply but ok, I’ll copypaste.
Yes, you are right… here - shit happens, to me as well. Though, now probability theory comes and helps me.
My (anti-ravager) build: 85% chance to trigger the bomb, once per 3,4c, bomb stays for 4s. I basically means that in most cases (i.e. 85% cases) I’ll have 100% Widow uptime; in the rest 15% cases I’ll have to live for 3,4s until I hit again. Though, as previous bomb was still up, target stays w/o debuff for just 2,6s. This basically boils down to: (853,4 + 150,6) / 3,4 = 87,6% uptime.
Now, your (or, rather, common) idea to put bomb on a DoT: every sec you have 25% chance of activation (version!!! yes I know it was 56% in v1.0.6.0, but it is long gone), assuming that bomb has no cooldown. What is the chance that new bomb is NOT activated while old bomb is still active? Obviously, 0,75^4, or 0,316, which means 68,4% uptime. Though, the bomb actually HAS cd, which is always more than 1s (i.e. you have zero chance to activate next bomb next tick after previous bomb), which removes 1/4 of dice rolls: 1*0,75^3 = 0,422, or 57,8% uptime.
Do you understand? Yes, I might have unlucky hits, too. But AT AVERAGE I’ll have WAY more RR debuff uptime than anyone who puts Widow on any DoT (be that Omen, or Earth, or whatever). This is, of course, assuming that you fight a single target (superboss), because a DoT on swarm of trash mobs is completely different matter (and completely different numbers - there might be really “quite a big chance at 100% uptime”, even though each instance of the bomb will affect just part of mobs).
Yep, almost everyone at our local forum uses Agrivix with their SB… yet nobody of them managed to kill Ravager in less than 3 min 3,5 min - yes, 3 min - no way! Because (sorry, but I repeat) Agrivix IS crap compared to Clairvoyant. Let’s compare just chest and shoulders (because you can use amulet and incredibly powerful book in both builds).
Agrivix totals: 2x87% Aether, 5% Spirit, 40 OA, 5% cast speed, convert from Vitality, 2 to useful skills (Callidor), 5 to secondary skills (Inferno + Blood Boil). 5% Spirit is about 35 Spirit in my build (equals to 16% more to Aether). 3th and 4th set boni bring you: 32 flat Aether (very good, equals to 5 points into Fabric of Reality), 16% cast speed (semi-good: overcap anyway), +3 to Callidor (semi-good because of the same reason).
Clairvoyant totals: 2x34% + 63% + 87% Aether, 48 Spirit (i.e. 22% Aether), 140 OA, convert from chaos, +3 to useful skill (Devastation), +3 to semi-useful skill (Reap Spirit). 3th and 4th set boni: +6 to useful skills (Fabric of Reality + Spectral Binding), -10% cd (semi-good, because of random), +1 to all skills (very good, but can be compensated with another scepter).
Agrivix: 190% Aether, 40 OA, 21% cast speed, 10 (important) skill points (including 5 bonus, equal to 32 flat Aether).
Clairvoyant: 240% Aether, 140 OA, -10% cd, 9-12 skill points (depending on build).
See? Why would one trade 50% Aether, 100 (!!!) OA and -10% cd for just 21% cast speed? I mean, Ravager does not slow you down, and I have 200% cast speed (cap) anyway! Now add convert from Chaos (tons of flat damage from Fabric and Fiend), and you realize (I hope) how much does Clairvoyant RAWK
Of course, Agrivix has RR as set bonus. It basically means that one can throw away Sacred strike, and use some… say, Wrathstone (100% Aether) instead. BUT!!! Clairvoyant gives you second “mana potion” - which is WAY more important than 100% Aether, because you will have to sacrifice Spear (180% Aether, 40 + 5% OA) then, and take Bard’s Harp instead - otherwise you simply die manaless!
… so? What’s wrong with green items? You just want to see all things of the same color just for the sake of eye appeal? Well, relics will break it down anyway!
As I told in the start post, I’m not an arena pro, and my arena build might be not really perfect. What I’m pretty much sure about, though, is that my Ravager build is the best (or at least one of the best)!
Proof?.. My sources tell me the opposite.
Yes I have tried it. Time Dilation forces you to drop Spear (no devotion points to take Ishtak otherwise, and the latter is 100% important). Then, there are just no REAL activators for Manticore When I say “real” I mean “hitting several times per second”, like auto attack or Callidor. Well, you can of course drop Fiend - but it has absolutely greatest damage potential (assuming that you can in melee range). No cooldown, 2 (!) projectiles which always hit - geez, this is a cheat! With 100% convert from Chaos to Aether it is better than Spear, better than Rattosh and like 3x better than Imp - you can’t just throw it away… for the sake of what, ability to replace a single component and win 100% Aether?
But I think I get your point: you want me to drop Ishtak, not Spear. Now look… Hourglass has 16s base cd, which will be reduced down to 11,4s. At first it procs and gives you instant fresh mirror + mark…and what then? 11s cd! New Mirror + Mark will let you live for 8 sec more (IF you are lucky, and it procs when both are on cd already - not before), but 3 secs without absorbs against enraged Ravager means 100% death.
Well, guys… I mean no offense either, but I just have to say a harsh thing. Yes I’m open to advices, BUT! to accept them, I need either of two things:
a) talker must bring some solid math, because this is the language I understand;
b) I must trust him because of external reasons - for example, him being Crate Entertainment developer (yes I won’t trust even PR department leader)… or him having video of killing Ravager in less than 3 mins
Sorry, guys, but so far you didn’t bring either of these with you. No offense, once again, but that’s a fact.
WHY the heck does it have to match? My tests show me perfect examples of target resistances going negative (thus making me do way more damage). Moreover, Ravager himself does more damage with it second strike than with its first one (because of 25 RR to everything, phys res including). Do you have any proof, once again? Any posts by developers concerning RR?
Ehhehe noo… matter of POWAH At least vs Ravager and other celestials.