[] STARFURY - Cold / Lightning Vindicator



Thought I’d share a build which I’ve been thoroughly enjoying over the past few weeks.
The overall build will appear familiar to the Cataclysm Deceiver build made prominent by Fluff. However, the approach here is a little more thematic. It’s a slightly different take on the cold/lightning “Trozans Skyshard” Druid concept but makes use of the “Sky Fragment” suffix & Proc on various greens & epic items. Combined with the Blizzard, Tempest & Hand of Ultos devotions along with Word of Pain, Rune of Haggarad, Wind Devils & Storm Totems and of course the Cataclysm set, the build in-game looks stunning (& has the DPS to boot). Unfortunately, I’m yet to capture a decent screenshot of the action in game so will follow soon with this. I don’t normally create videos, however, so sorry about this. Perhaps one day I will.

The inspiration for the build came from a random 10 second YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLsKpfK_WoY

The video sparked a number of thematic build ideas including a fire/lightning purifier/vindicator (which is still in testing) & a Trozans Skyshard Mage Hunter since the “Sky Fragment” suffix provides plenty of + skills to the Trozans Skill itself.
For those interested, here are the links to the fire/lightning purifier & vindicator:
Purifier: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPelMgN
Vindicator: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2EAgpn2

Edit: Link to Trozans Sky Shard + Rune of Hagarrad Build. Note it’s still in development: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvyE8j2

Another build in the works is a Korba’s Set based build using the skill “Ring of Steel” & combining this with the green suffix “of Balanced Steel” proc which is another ring of steel proc. But that’s for another day. Moving on…


Edit: First run to 150 Gladiator.



Note in the link, my left click shows chain lightning, However, in game I tend to use Chillspikes. Can be either or.

A few of you will notice all the double rare greens. Yes, only two are genuine (the mace & boots). The others were obviously created using GDStash. Yes, I do occasionally use the tool. I’ve logged enough hours in the game grinding for gear so It’s time I enjoyed it a little more.

For the crucible players out there, I have not piloted this toon to 170 Gladiator. Crucible is not really my forte’ although I have piloted to lvl 100 glad, but I’m sure in the right hands someone cloud pilot the build reasonably well. Through my experience, the build clears with relative ease.

I know Zantai likes cold-based builds so this maybe somewhat to his liking. Gosh who knows what Zantai likes? Teasing us with Forgotten Gods content is one I suppose…

Anyhow, wish to keep this short, so hope you enjoy.


Interesting…what is your main source of damage?

It seems to me that your primary attack is seal-based. So I wonder what WoP does for you. Would leaving it a 1 point wonder be more beneficial just so you can get that RR?

Have you considered Heart of Malmouth ammy instead?

I also wonder if light’s defender is the better set here…

P.S: Forgive my questioning. It’s not meant to put down insomuch so as it’s meant to broaden my understanding.

Cheers for the questions Sir Spanksalot.
Any constructive feedback is welcome.

There is no one main damage skill. The long short: It’s shit loads of proc’s.
It’s rather many forms of cold & lightning damage together. With Sky Fragments, Tempest & Maelstrom raining from the sky, it looks amazing. AoE damage is excellent, as well as single target.

Alot of the skill benefits are self explanatory:
WoP is for elemental & DA debuff as well as damage.
RoH is great AoE damage, -DA & CC effects.
Wind Devils for -res & CC effects.
Cataclysm is self explanatory.
Devotion proc’s are self explanatory.

The Sky Fragment suffix is actually rather strong, with regular 30-40k hits, with some reaching 50k. With 5 proc’s on gear along with blizzard, its rather a strong combined damage output. The lightning bolt on the gloves is also rather good.

The overall build has rather good CC with stun, freeze & slow effects & is excellent for crucible.

With WoP I could reduce the skill points. However, it’s a trade-off between target area & damage output to spread the -res as quickly as possible. If push comes to shove, I could drop points from Death Sentence for other skills. Will need to test this for sure.

The ammy I haven’t really considered. Although it looks good, I’d lose out on the Cataclysm set stats, bonuses & proc’s. Also, in keeping with the build them, Lvl 75 Starfury Emerald along with a well rolled green offhand with the Sky Fragment proc would be nice. Belt could be replaced with either Myth. Scales or a well rolled green with another proc (No Sky Fragment proc available here).

Although not considered, I do have a light’s set from pre-AoM but was at the time rather lackluster & so was shelved. Considering the build is both Cold & Lightning focused, it may not be ideal here. I have theory crafted a few light’s Sets but they’ve never seen fruition.

The development of this build has also inspired the idea of multiple Doom Bolt/chaos bolt proc’s for a caster &/or melee toon with possible use of blood orb for the caster. This is currently still in the works. Fluff ran a DB crucible build awhile back so will be somewhat along similar lines for caster.

Anyhow, hope this answers your questions.

Maybe some Crucible videos then?

Hi veretragna,

As briefly mentioned in my OP, i don’t normally create videos. As great as it would be to showcase don’t expect one from me anytime soon.
In saying also that I’m not a great crucible pilot, I can say that even at Glad 100 it cleared with relative ease. When time permits, I’ll trying pushing higher.

If your interested in trying the character yourself to push 150 or 170 glad, I’d be happy to send you the character file.


It’s a nice concept with helluva procs.
However, better don’t try 170 waves :slight_smile:
Also, did you consider taking Widow instead of Amatok or Tempest to bring some more RR to the game? Must be better damage-wise

Thanks veretragna.

As it’s similar to the Cataclysm Deceiver build, I wouldn’t be surprised with a few minor tweaks an experienced crucible player could pilot the toon to 170. Fluff seems to be able to pilot anything to 170 these days.

I have considered dropping Tempest for Widow as the Tempest proc is a little lite on damage. Theatrically though it’s fantastic & fits the theme perfectly. Damage numbers may not be game breaking, but collectively pretty good. Highest single hit with this toon is 116k.


TBH, the only real benefit from the Ammy is the resists it offers.

Going light’s defender only results in you losing 1x skyfallen suffix (edited from 2x) in favor of huge boosts to totem and storm shard.

Can’t imagine that being worse.

Hmmm… Just a quick switch over to LD set & it looks pretty good: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrvab5Z
Will need to shuffle resists & OA etc…
Always been a shame they dropped the lightning bolt proc on the myth. gauntlets.

May have a play with this. extra button to mash though.
Don’t know if I should switch out bargolls for Elgoloth. Proc looks OK & it’ll help cap storm totems.

Swapping out the ammy for one with +1 to shaman might be an option worth looking into.

Conduit with totem mod is pretty tasty here too IMO.

EDIT: Arcanoweave belt is also definitely worth looking into.

Reworked grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqvJXvN

Currently using the lvl 75 starfury emerald for the cool proc.
However, the conduit ammy would be more ideal, being buffs to storm totem, cool down, max all res cap +3% & a nice buff to a single res which helps to redistribute all other resists which in general lifts them a little higher.
The only slight downside is reduced OA & %damage.

Offhand mostly for the +1 skills. However, a myth. codex of eternal storms (yet another active skill) could be used here along with the Conduit ammy to keep storm totem max capped.

The one big niggle is obtaining high enough physique for the chest piece (1035) which the myth. codex & conduit provide.

Grimtools with myth. codex & conduit ammy: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2B6ALb2

Granting you have enough fingers you may be able to pilot this build :stuck_out_tongue:

If you reduce word of renewal to 12/12 you can put those 3 points in chillsurge to get another projectile on the rune.

And you can quite easily get the 1035 physique if you replace a prefix on one of those double rares with formidable. I mean, you’re already creating them out of thin air, why not.

Points taken, & initially I had the prefix, but lose out on chaos res.