You will find it, eventually. It’s just that eventually may very well mean 20 years from now.
I play this build in the campaign with a venomancers raiment, because I tried it with the venomblade armor and got super annoyed at having to drink a potion every 30 seconds. I still sometimes ran out of energy that way, caster chest armor is a must for me to keep gameplay fast and fluid.
Hey, really enjoying the build so far but just have a question, is there a reason why there isnt any skills bound to tainted eruption on abomination and acid spray on manticore etc?
Thanks heaps, been lurking a long time but just gotten back into GD after not playing for ages. And thank you for the quick response! And for updating the tools.
I haven’t tried the built myself, I can’t get the dang medal. I’ve been farming basilisks for some time now and they aren’t too keen on dropping anything remotely useful. Therefore what I ask of next is merely on presumptions, but isn’t viperfang grips a better choice of gloves? They add a lot of to the built in the way of poison dmg, increase in blood of dreeg, and a lot of OA.
I’ve also been tinkering with devotions. You can get a lot more dmg, some ele res, high general RR (from manticore), and energy regen, if you give up the ghoul constellation.
2 points in PB (giving it 8 points in total, making it 4 projectiles instead of 3) and you got a quick and an almost surefire way of activating Rumor.
I’ve fiddled with the augments etc. I ask you to (somewhat) ignore that, as I’m still not happy with the mess. I’ve had, to use other parts, to make my build work. This quick switcharoo is merely and attempt to demonstrate the change in constellations with the same gear:
Those Bloodletter’s Zentarian Shoulderguards of Kings will probably drop for me in a few decades. What I’ve had to currently be content with, is some good rolled Cleric’s of vitality. I think the of kings suffix is roughly a 1:500 drop. With the shoulderguard being a 50/50 and the bloodletter’s prefix also being quite rare my guestimate it being a 1:100-1:200 drop. I’ll probably never see that item. Farming him hundreds of thousands of times… or every hour of me being awake for decades, doesn’t seem like a realistic approach.
My current main is also dual melee WH character, with acid based dmg and poison on the side.
This is my current setup:
And the gosh dang dreadlords of readiness low rolled twice for me and it was even the 84 lvl versions They still do their work, but it was such a weird mixed feeling of joy and sadness, when I got them. Getting some good chains of brandis is my current goal with that character. I’m using pots where overcapping is neccesary. I should probably work on permanently overcapping my resistances, but I don’t know what to change. Any ideas?