[]Ulzunyasha-Archon favorite hot maiden

Ptiro with his anime memes again.

Nice build, though.

Maybe, who knows. One can even try savagery charging shenanigans

Tried it out, overall felt more clunky to play, more fragile and clear speeds were inferior

Yeah i’ll settle with a void seal:)

I`m not surprised :smiley:
I would prefer two void. Can we split our mace intro 2 parts plz ? :stuck_out_tongue:

well, it would be sensible if it at least has 20% proc on 2h

Now I`m thinking of weird builds https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXyg0O2 :rolleyes:

Here is an older build I made for DW purifier: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2d5vaJV

Pretty consistent in farming ~10 min 3 buffs. Pants are not BiS, need to find some better ones for better stun res. also unsure of belt. Rest is prob BiS, though prefix could be changed on one of the maces.

EDIT: Just played it, seems like it actually got stronger in 1.0.6. Devos might need a tweak though.

How about chaos archon with myth chthon sigil. Made a concept with that

I want a defiler. 2h and melee :uuu:
Well, if I get a good aether maul I`l make one .

I want defiler too. Bu i think fire with DW Blazeheart would do better in this case. Perma mot with Necro helm too

You need more fire and chaos => aether convention to make it work. Something like https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlYyrXZ But this still wouldn’t viable due to low defensive stats and RR :slight_smile:

I have several Warmauls if you need any for this build:

And my favorite one :slight_smile:

Kinda works. I can post my DW defiler. Does have survivability issues unfortunately.

Here is the DW Kilrian’s Skullcrusher purifier build updated for

Unsurprising - A fantastic build, by a fantastic builder. :slight_smile:

I take back all I said about Elementalist sucking balls. I tested https://www.grimtools.com/calc/0V0PRK9V this setup and cleared 11 mins with horrible lag. Should be better with more refining.

Drop Krillian soul for another Bone. It helps a lot. Pick Sailor Gile 100%, you need that Slow resist . Not sure if Blast shied do anything in these setups cause it never up when you need it. Probably the best idea is to drop it to onepointer and max Brute force. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnY9nwZ this should perform better.

It doesn’t suck, just not as good as purifier :cry:

BTW do anyone know if Static strike and Brimstone are multiplied by WPS? Cause I`m testing Desolator setup with both maxed and it oneshot stuff it shouldn’t with SS proc :smiley:

Nope. Modifiers to the main skill are not enhanced by main skill % dmg. Same for LAceration or CoS or NDJE etc.

Imagine the power otherwise…I already posted Desolatorsetup :stuck_out_tongue: . The Opness would be unreal

Bursting round is basically Ranged SS with Desolator