[] Untransmuted chaos PB/DB spammer - ~11 min 170 clear

Use OBS it’s easy and works well

https://obsproject.com/ :wink:

as someone who records grava kill videos 4 times untill he is not killed can confirm, OBS is the shizzle

Nice :slight_smile: I’ll download it for future use I have two more build in the works but many of my theorycrafts end up not working so I don’t want to jump the gun promise the world to later find a fatal flaw in actual testing

changed gloves and chest piece spanks… this should make energy management possible if you wanted to use transmute. damage should be higher for both doombolt and pb as well. two item swap makes almost 3k wep damage difference, and you get juicy wep damage doom bolts too :wink:
also it might be worth it to drop the side node in dying god to pick up the 10% crit damage node on spear, since the build is so starved on CD
edit* prob would help to put a link in the comment https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b283MvLN :eek:

geforce experience has the best “free” build in video recording software I know, provided you have a nvidia gpu.

Will definitely try this out bro. Thanks so much for the input. :slight_smile:

@Val: Do you think it’s worth running with the harbinger’s helm as well?

eh probably not. you lose energy regen cooldown reduction and s max doombolt… if you were going to use the helm you might as well go full set and go pb spammer with doombolt support like this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BOlqrV

also didnt do it in my last post but kra’vall shoulder is BiS just due to the plus 3 to nether edge. while using blood orb its like 70 flat chaos and a small amount of crit damage.