[] Cold DW Saboteur N&O

First time sharing a build, but with 1300hours invested in the game, I have tested many of the builds on this forum, and having a blast. Love the diversity of builds available. ( PS: English is not my main language )

The Sabo is in lack of love, but I have so much fun playing this build, I wanted to share her with you.

I have rebuilt her x amount of times, ever since jajaja’s fire sabo. And with the popularity off the N&O swords, it is time to show the rigthfull use of them :slight_smile:

With buffs.


5sec Alex kill, 14sec dummy kill, all main game content easily, but having a hard time with grava.

Never tested in crusible.

Feedback on how to improve her, is appreciated.

PS: Yvonne is my wife, and she is not on FIRE, but pretty hot :smiley:

Updated grimtools link with new pants and medal.

OA, DA, adcth and attack speed seem a bit low. Your choice of items and devotion path is divided into fire and cold. You already have some fire to cold conversion and should go “all-in” on cold imho.

Something like this maybe, but I’m no dw expert.

These 2 guides should inspire you:


This build has been done by John_Smith and optimized to clear all game content.
Here is a guide, you are late for the party, but you can learn a lot from that link.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

I know about this build, but I do not want to copy his. But I did change the pants and the medal, to those as he is using. So thanks for the tip. Just what I was looking for.