[] Kalastor's Wrath, Vindicator 5:46 gladiator[g3] [c+] [vid]

And you have like 2.2k in total, so of the order 10% ish less damage.

I did it with purifier, using runebinder set and make it hybrid RoK+fire strike.

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lookin good

how did the build fare without ultos? you tested with fissure in there at some point i assume?

i love fissure so much that i struggle not to include it even if it’s not ideal :smiley:

Nothing interesting here, he says. Well, you did get us used with some pretty crazy builds. Great job on this one as well. Hope that whatever nerfs hit inquisitor won’t affect RoK, as it just received some loving last patch. Looking forward to your ideas once FG hits.

Nice build, added to my thread. :wink:

How did you facetank MQ like that? I just melt :confused:

In vanilla or in crucible? Keep in mind she is heavily nerfed in Crucible. In vanilla you probably need Null field and some extra DA magic to facetank the squishy bug.

In main campaign. There is a 3 second MQ facetank kill in the video of OP.
There was no null field mentioned there, I think?

He killed her before red aura, probably a result of lucky crits? If you burst her down so fast, she can`t retaliate.

5:46? About as fast as that slith the other day.

hard to tell about the red aura due to all the fx’s

But if a build tankyness is centered around “have a few lucky crits” then I am not big fan of it :slight_smile:

EDIT: worked much better with null-field, thanks.

Ultos really helps to survive. I didn’t even test fissure, because all this devotions are really needed here, but you can try:)

Thank you!

Did you add points to oak skin? (I wrote about it for main campaign), my in-game char have 28% pierce overcap, with 6/10 he can’t facetank, only 10/10. I also spawn 3 winds before red aura for better LL. Hmm, better resistances needed for that situations, mayby tranquil pants really would be better for main campaign.

Nope I just took it to 6/10. I can try to pump it up more, and also cast WD before fight too.

EDIT: it worked smooth now, though I took also Null Field

This is what I played with: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPWMjdV

This was my old spec: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOWPPKN