[] Kalastor's Wrath, Vindicator 5:46 gladiator[g3] [c+] [vid]

DLC with inq nerfs is coming. It’s time to pay respect to rune builds. I saw a lot of builds using runes and most of them using RoH or full runebinder set(and Octavius :mad:).
Today I’ll show that RoK with Anderos’ Amplifier is very funny to play.


permanent buffs and savagery up

About build
RoK is used as main damage source, RoH used as a support for fireresistant small enemies(up to 2300% cold dmg) like Iron Maiden and DA shred. Have fire damage due to conversion too.
For main campaing you should remove 4 points from Arcane Empowerment and put it into oak skin. Also you can remove even more and put it in Heart of the Wild,but I think this hp is enought :stuck_out_tongue:
ps don’t try to facetank Grava’s balls :slight_smile: Everything else you could :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing unusual in this build, if you saw my builds before you’ll find nothing interesting there.
Stacking phys resistance with seals of might, bat, ghoul+ultos -everything is here. I am not lazy mf and I tried other devotions and components: phoenix, obelisk, seals of resonance, tried even regeneration - all they failed. Current build at the same time is the most tanky and with highest damage.
Used MadLee advice to put points into sham mastery and put on Barbaros’ pants(it is real problem to wear heavy armor, book and ranged weapon), but it’s possible to use Tranquil pants for better res overcaps in main campaign.

I haven’t tried to run crucible for maximum speed, but the build can do 4 times per buff, using 3 buffs+1banner, 5:46 best time on the video below.
Also I added some main campaing bosses kills, hope you’ll enjoy “fat-ass” enemies are blowed up :slight_smile:



>>>crucible<<< 4 runs, 1st time is the fastest

The end
Thanks for your attention and excuse me for mistakes.
Other my builds you can find in russian-speaking comunity compendium. Thanks to Safarel stream discord comunity for support.

Nice build as always!

What inq nerfs have been annouced?

What is the point of Ranged experice? To get Savagery stacks up quicker?

Thank you!
Announced? Don’t hear about that, buy my intuition gives the cue they are comming :wink:

A bit of elemental dmg, a bit of WD, partially converted to elemental used by bat and ultos for lifeleech, a bit of AS for easier savagery stacking(Z, please, remove Tenacity of the boar from savagery and make it as a passive skill, pls pls pls). I think 1 point worth it.

Ok, we saw many inq nerfs in the latest 1.0.7 patch though, I hope they don’t nerf it more :frowning:

Thanks, 1 point into that make sense

That is a very solid Rune Vindicator, good job, mate!

I imagine how awesome is savagery stacking on Archon build. When you need to stack Righterous fervor too. :eek:

Great build and crazy crucible time as always. Where do I sign for the fanboy club membership?

Btw have you tried Cinderplate belt (the one with pierce to fire)?

Thanks, bro :smiley:


Thank you!
Tried this before(in 1061), absolutely useless.
No way to hardcap Kalastor rune without physical medal.
Let’s calculate. I have 22/12 Kalastor with 60% pierce to elem conversion: 170(mod)+(245+366)/2(phys)+244(fire)+244*.6(pierce converted)=866 dmg
If I had 21/12 rune with 100% conversion it would be 170+(225+339)/2+224+224=900 dmg.
4% dmg increase vs 24 points - obvious choice

Very nice! Your run is as crazy as always.
Really interesting that bat, ghoul, and one pointer savagery (also ultos) is enough for sustain.

I still think that 22/16 RoH damage still contribute massively in this build though.
I’ve tried DW Anderos and kalastor exclusively before, but the damage still doesn’t feel like RoH.

I see. But there’s also pierce on RoH and Bat… but right +1 to all skills rules

Congratulations on this build,is nice to see RoK is used as main damage source.Btw your times are just insane,four clearings on fire rune build in one blessing duration:rolleyes:

DW Anderos sucks. I mean 8 min crucible sucks, not suck sucks. But yeah it doesn’t perform as well as the old DW crescent moon builds, even with the similar mods on the weapons. Here since there’s 22/12 hagarrad, with the runebinder mod, 2k % cold, 100ish cold RR, and you’ll wonder if Kalastor really is the main damage dealer here.

@john: man that’s some good shit right there, how much difference would it make if you ditch hagarrad altogether?

Thank you. If we speak about small dummy test(Elite difficulty), there RoH shows 30 sec killtime vs RoK 34 sec(can upload video if needed), but if we speak about aoe and big enemies - there RoK is the main rune without discussions.

Thank you!

I have not tried and I don’t see reason to do that, good % for all elementals and RR I already have, pierce to elemental I have too, DA reduction is needed.
But first of all I keep it for Iron Maiden.

To x1x1x1x2 and thejabrixone

Tried a run without RoH. Did not remove poits, just did not use. It took 6.40 with -dmg mutator on 161+. My casual time is ~6 min, so I didn’t lose too much.
Pls, watch video and say, is RoK main dmg source or no?


The damage output is still so good. Very nice!
It seems both RoH and RoK contribute the same damage output on your build.

Damn, now I want to explore DW anderos again.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Well, looking at that video, Kalastor really is doing a lot of damage there. Hagarrad contribution is undeniable tho. 1 min shaved off cleartime without it. Still, nice to see Kalastor doing that great.

How did you do DW anderos before? I did it with deceiver and justicar (felt like I was overusing runebinder) and it just wasn’t great. Good but not great. With vindicator and runebinder it should be better but % damage might still not be enough, idk. Anyways, for me it is time to move on from runes to shield throwing :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah you lose so much % damage using dual Anderos’ but it’s still fun.

I prefer Trozan’s Starkeeper, Starfury Emerald & Blizzard combo

How many %

John sent the save folder and I gave this build a whirl. Very stable and sturdy caster, damage is predictably huge, almost no mana problems (by “almost” I mean sometimes you do need a mana potion).

Mad Lee’s elite builds and co Seal of Approval, 8,5 Sacred Strikes out of 10.

you can get offhands with well over 300%
So you lose at least 180% from not using an offhand (if not more as this is low end estimate)

And you can get between 240 to over 300% on a dagger/scepter
So you are losing at least 120% on using the 1st Gun (if not more as this is low end estimate)

Again I’m not saying they are bad as I have used DW Anderos’ and DW Earthscorchers on many many builds. I just hate they are low level guns as guns % damage suck & they both have no casting speed.