[] Olexra's Revenge: 6:30 Crucible Gladiator 150-170 no greens SS Spellbreaker [c+][g3][vid]

Vids on request:
Fastest run (6:19):

Slowest run (7:14. Got really really shitty mutators on wave 151-160):

Thoughts: It’s not as reliable and consistent (both time wise and survival wise) as the infiltrator brother. But still viable and able to do 3x runs with 3 blessings and a vanguard if you play carefully. Also using OFF is fun since it’s a skill you barely, if ever get to use. Also fuck grava’thul :mad:

That Carraxus freeze at 0:26 tho.

Nice catch, didn’t even notice it lol

Thanks for the video. Although I don’t understand why are you using Nullification so rarely. It helps to melt big packs of heroes much faster.

And versus Grava - I always use nullification with this Spellbreaker. Maybe this is why I have less problems with him. Although he is a pain for every other melee build I played. Here though I nullify him after couple of seconds and somehow it helps.

Damn mad lee great build i testeded in crucible and its powerful enough and fun but the thing which impressed me the moust is main campaign.I mean this is by far the fastest farmer ever made if y dont count ss spellbreaker from the dawn of time when shadow strike didntvhave cdr.Jesus i played with friend we bouth run y build,i had the feeling that could run through hole game in matter of minutes,2 ppl running this buikd is insain y mealt hole screen in secunds this is now my q and only campaign farmer for anything nemesis mats whathever.

Spellbreakers were always known as the most fun class to play. This spellbreaker (as well as my Vanilla Ice Spellbreaker) are hella fast in Campaign. And this Olexra’s Revenge is pretty beastly in Crucible as well. Part of the fun and thrill comes from Spellbreaker being somewhat vulnerable when compared to today’s top melee builds. Always exciting imo.

Always excited to check out a green free mad_lee build. I’m glad to see these sets working well together after the mageslayer buffs. On a side note…would not be mad to see inquis removed from this set and replaced with demo bonuses :stuck_out_tongue:

hi, noob question.

why not use Mark of Dark Dreams medal?

second. Do you have a leveling guide for spellbreaker to lv 75? specifically which skills to take and which devotions early on.

thanks for the great build

  1. Because Undying Oath gives massive flat cold damage. Dark Dreams is more of a caster’s medal. For melee you want Undying Oath

  2. I have answered this question too many times now, look for it in my Vanilla Ice guide or in my Luminari Godkiller guide, or just search forums for leveling guides for Spellbreaker.

Updated a second post with a mini-guide to Classical SS Coldbreaker with no greens and a video of it’s performance.

Is it still doing good since the Nex & Ortus nerf?

It was fragile build from the start, I don’t think it can be consistent with N&O nerfs. So short answer - no.

Aight thanks!

What could server as placeholders for the chest and belt, please? So much essential stuff just refuses to drop.

Mate, I am sorry to tell you but build is essentially dead with Nex and Ortus nerfs which happened in Check my other Spellbreaker builds.

It couldn’t survive gladiator 150-170? I don’t care about setting time records. The problem is that after 6 months of playing I completed a single build, this one is a close second. It might still work for rapid farming outside of the crucible.

I honestly don’t know if it could. The nerf took away a huge part of swords flat damage, so ADCtH won’t be the same. Outside of Crucible anything will work, lol. But if you already have a Spellbreaker and Mageslayer’s set, try my PB Mageslayer build (components/augments ought to be updated but it should still be good).

Love to. Just missing the axe, belt, one of the rings, and the book.

No character I played is quite as fun as a “melee” spellbreaker. This build can manage SR 65-66 by switching the armor to fateweaver’s raiment. I feel further dps increase and sustain could be obtained by utilizing 2 reign of ice and fire rings. That means losing 6 skill points. Thoughts?

Well, I have kind of abandonded this build after Z. limited Nex and Ortus to Sabouter only. So I don’t know, it’s really gimped by the lack of flat and Spellbreaker was pulling it off mostly due to big damage swords used to provide. If you want to play a Nex and Ortus build I recommend checking out my Sabouter. It’s super good.