[] Purifier Belgarath - DW Ranged Chaos FS Purifier, Pyromancer V2


Hello, Grim Dawn Family
I have been working on this build for awhile now and I thought I’d share it because I have never seen it done before….at least not on a purifier. I have seen many builds for the purifier but they all looked very similar to me and they were all elemental or fire based so I set out to do something different.

Before anyone asks…I can’t comment on Crucible because I don’t own or care to own that content…sorry.

Enter Pyromancer V2.

no green items are used

Core of the build
• Main damage skill of this build is tons of brimstone from firestrike
• Key item defining this build is Mythical Blood Sigil of Ch’Thon because it takes 70% Fire Strike damage and converts it into Chaos. (So good!)

[Placeholder Not Done]

I’m afraid there’s much room for improvement.

  1. Not using Death Sentence is number one
  2. Not using Inquisitor’s WPS for “The Brimstone Effect”
  3. Not using BwC with Agonizing Flames with IK set
  4. Not using Flashbang
  5. Not taking Fiend and Solemn Watcher (2.3 da is norm for lvl 70 char) and DG last node, instead wasting points on Wretch or Charriot

Hope this helps. Cheers.

I admit my DA was my only major pain point…I kinda like having high OA but I think I will get rid of Chariot for solemn.

I disagree with not having BwC and Death Sentence. I am using thermite mines and between that, my devotions my mythical exterminus and my relic. I already have 80% or so RR. I may be able to work fiend in. You have to also understand that my devotions are also helping me to keep my resists proper.

Build Updated


especially for death sentence, if not taking it then just go full darkblaze pyro…
then agonizing flames, and flashbang… well to me you cant really pass on that imo …
and then id change rings for voidheart obviously and entropic coil

There’s literally no need…for flashbang and it willl just take points away from something else. I tried out mythical entropic coils and my dmg actually went down. I think it is because of the amount of flat damage on the elemental balance rings.

Just curious what aspect of flashbang? the CC or the debuff? the Seal of annihilation already does a decent debuff and the Unleash Chaos skill blasts mobs off of you. Going full darkblaze will net me absolutely nothing. Why would I lose resists, that i actually need, to take a four piece bonus that literally nets me nothing? I get some of the things you guys are saying but i’m talking about this particular character build that I have actually been playing. Stuff dies WAAYYY fast. I mean everything! only the hardiest bosses don’t go down pretty quickly. Again look over all my gear…I already have about 80% Chaos resist. Taking any more will just be adding another button to push and taking away DPS. I’m talking about actual use not theory.

By the way, it’s not that I don’t value the input but please explain exactly why you believe it would be better. Especially when I would be losing damage to take skills that don’t seem like they’d be useful at all and i’m saying this from the aspect of i’ve played this char thru most of the content and had no problems with resists…most things die way before they can even get to me.

Can I facetank everything? No, nor do I think it would be possible without losing a ton of dmg. When I know I will be taking harder bosses or not in a party. I do respec to the other aura to lower their attack% and seal of annihilation does also.

That’s not a good build, sorry.

You should listen to what experienced players told you in posts above. Not taking Death Sentence is a huge mistake. Infernal Knight set seems absolutely wasted here. Flat damage numbers are way too low. You have 17% attack speed overcap, meaning you wasted points in either Vindictive Flame or Ranged Expertise. Yet your slow resist is 18% which is extremely low for an auto-attacker.

Devotion bindings are wrong as well.

OA/DA are just abysmal and not really passable for any kind of content besides killing easy targets in Main Campaign (that can be killed with Faction gear build).

Just a bad build, nothing personell, kid.

Once again…someone pops in and tells me i should do something but doesn’t say why it’s better. Also, calling someone kid that you don’t know is pretty disrespectful. I am a 48 yr old male with children who are now adults.

Also, show me purifier builds that have significantly more DA and my attack speed is NOT overcap. Also, I JUST changed the build some so my DA is actually higher. I need to do the screenshots again. Anyhow, if my character kills stuff and kills them expediently. I need to know why you feel I need to waste more points on RR. Look over all my gear and look at all the RR that is already present and take note that I have Thermite giving 23% more on top of all that. I just don’t see why I need to put even more points into RR when stuff is dying so fast as with 80% RR. Again…i’m not theorycrafting…I am actually playing the character. Also, maybe you are looking at my character from a Crucible view but I don’t play Crucible so there’s that also.

I honestly would like to know why everyone feels not taking death sentence is such a huge mistake. In fact thermite RR takes less points to give more resist. I just don’t get it…which is why I asked for someone to explain in the first place.

I was just memeing out with “nothing personell, kid”, you can even google this phrase, just a joke, yo.

Well, I can’t really explain everything, since it’s just basics and you can find a lot of useful information about how Resist Reduction works just by reading stuff on this forum.

But, long story short, resist reduction is one of the best damage sources in the game. Every build should stack as much resist reduction as possible. Thermite mines are very clunky and awkward to use and quite a bit of time passes before you can deploy them and resist reduction from them starts working. Whereas Word of Pain + Death Sentence is applied instantly to a group of enemies with one cast.

Also, a very simple math can persuade you to use as much RR as possible. Let’s say you are doing 1000 points of chaos damage to a monster with 80% Chaos Resist, only 200 damage points will go thru. Now if you add just -10% Chaos Resist Reduction, you bring his Chaos Resist down to 70%, so now you are doing 300 damage with your 1000 points of damage attack. So with just -10% RR you have increased your damage by whopping 50%.

If you want examples of good Purifier builds, just look in Build Compendium (it’s a stickied thread above). If you don’t play Crucible, you can compare your build’s performance against other Purifiers by how fast you can kill Mad Queen or Gargabol or Grava’Thul or Kubacabra or just how fast it’s farming areas like Ancient Grove.

I can agree with the clunkiness of thermite mines when it comes to relying on them for RR, as opposed to just binding word of pain to your mousewheel and sprinkling it over a group of enemies. Taking points off the mines and into that ability instead would be more efficient and reliable, as would be the RR effect from a Voidheart as was suggested

My personal advice would also be not underestimating the entropic coil. I personally run with a full chaos DW witchblade, and also noticed the entropic coil would reduce my DPS when compared to the ring I was currently using (a blue signet of the depraved). However, its activated on-hit effect is more than worth the trouble of losing a little damage, since when it drops, it drops hard

People’s also right by pointing out OA/DA. You’ll want your OA around 3k and your DA somewhere between 2.5k-2.8k for campaign content at least, so you can reliably hit and avoid damage from most average opposition. Bigger foes like nemesis, Rashalga and the like may be more troublesome with such adjusted numbers

No need for what ? if you ask opinions, so be prepared for them; if you are having fun with your build as shown ,then seriously good for you dude, and im not being ironical here
BUT even if you think its good and fast enough, its just it can be faster and better thats all, cant even argue on that serisouly
just take the first answer that will be everything everyone will tell you; and gearing also, dont go IK set if you dont even use the flat RR from BwC lines, thats a huge waste here,pure and simple
i didnt said you should go full darkblaze set, but if you make such chaos DW ranged build using inquisitor BUT NOT word of pain / death sentence, then you better just go for full darkblaze as pyromancer, would be better and easier to use …
sometimes if all veterans are saying to you the same thing, its because there is MAYBE a reason no ? ofc its up to you to follow advises or not

@pmerritt: My main toon is named Beldin (Conjurer). I also have a Belsembar (Druid) :wink:

Will explain my earlier advice:

  1. Word of Pain is an AoE spell with instant effect and uptime. Whereas the mines only affect enemies that stand directly on them (no uptime, the moment they leave the radius or the mines die - no more rr), it takes 2-3 seconds for them to take effect and they are fragile. They aren’t dependable. Some of the recent top builds don’t use them at all.

As for why take more rr, you can never have too much rr. In GD you take rr first and then you worry about points. Maybe you didn’t know: in GD you can push enemies into negative resistance where rr is effectively a total dmg multiplier.

  1. Inquisitor WPS. Brimstone procs off every single projectile. Storm Spead has 4 at 7/10. When it hits, 4 times as many Brimstones go off. This is the reason why people play purifiers. Some people even use Jaxxon rings which only for having multiple projectiles more often.

  2. Agonizing Flames. Another source of RR. Use this or Manticore. It’s “reduced” and those don’t stack with one another so you gotta choose one. Besides BwC is a pretty good source of debuffs: oa shred and phys dmg reduction. Clunky, though. WoP is still priority. And true enough, Firestrike builds and always tight on points…

  3. Flashbang at 12/12 is a whopping 250 da shred. Meaning your oa is about 250 higher on enemies affected. You like oa, don’t you? And Searing Light has a chance to inflict fumble - another good layer of defense. CC is irrelevant. I’d wear Pants of Tranquil Mind here - except much needed slow res they give some points to Flashbang.

  4. Devotion-wise, I’d pick up Fiend, Eye, Manticore if you really can’t afford that BwC, Hawk, Sailor, Tower, Dying God, and whatever makes it all possible. Oh, and Ghoul of course, Revenant is nice, too. EDIT: Forgot about Witchblade. Might not fit all of that…

To poster above (ya_) thank you very much for the explanations. I obviously still have things to learn like I didn’t know you could push the mobs to negative RR. Also just a fyi, I play with a gamepad so I always try to keep the number of skills to no more than 6 skills.
Also, please look at my devotions again, as I had mentioned, I already respec’d and my da is sitting around 2.5k my oa is still lower than i’d like but when I fight it actually goes up quite a bit (not sure why). The current screenshots are going to have to be updated. I will also try spec’ing into death sentence instead of thermite mines and see how it plays for me. I simply don’t have the points for flashbang or points I want to sacrifice…my seal of annihilation will have to do.

Heya. I also use a controller and Thermite mines are indeed even more of a pita with that due to current mechanics.

So with 6 buttons you have: Firestrike, Inqisitor Seal, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal and Flashbang if you wanted. That leaves a couple of slots for consumables. You can also swap to a menu B via the controller - which is handy for the permanent buffs, as sometimes(rarely) these get removed by mobs.

I had a bit of free time so I thought I’d zip up something to give an example of a few things and just discussion. This is how I’d look at it but I know that everyone is different: Variation of build

So these are a few thing of things of interest:

-try not to assign devotion procs to a % chance skill. %chance x % chance = much lower chance

-weapon pool skills (WPS) are not true % chance but more weighted out of 100% cumulative total. So in my example there is
2x Burning void = 32%
void rounds = 15%
2x 20% (bursting, stormspread)
12% chilling

99%. This means every attack will have 99% of 1 random wps. If it goes over 100%, then each is weighted and adjusted such that 100% is max. If you had only 2x 20%, for example, then you’d have a 40% chance of something each attack and 60% chance of nothing.

-because Aura of Censure is damage reduction, it comes first in the order of damage taken. That makes it very strong. In my example, 16% of all damage right off the top. This is why you’ll see this preferred above Aura of Conviction.

-similar idea within the Word of Renewal skill line for mob-specific bonuses (extra damage and reduced damage against eldritch/cath, including bosses/nemesis)

-+1 to all skill items sometimes can be more valuable than %damage bonuses, due to tight skill points, as can specific equipment bonuses.

-max attack speed is 200%. Some effects such as Hungering Vod or perhaps equipment procs may also boost that, so overcap is only necessary if you get slowed. Slow resistance can help to mitigate that.

-As firestrike is your autoattack and chaos is the focus, most other damage types will be much less significant in practice. It’s usually better to concentrate on the type where you are emphasizing Resistance Reduction.

-the boost in OA that you see in battle is most likely Deadly Aim activating.

-in MC, I’d possibly reduce blast shield some. Seal and BS stack, and seal might be enough to do the job. Some points could be swapped into Base firestrike and/or static strike if seal was sufficient. It is a pretty strong defence, as it stands, however.

Edit: or…if you find working with the seal annoying with a controller, you could get by with just Blast Shield, I’d think.


just moved skills and devotions around. didn’t touch the gear and components. problem is that your choice of gear is interesting but kinda incompatible with firestrike as you only have +1 to inquisitor and demo. other builds have +4 or +5 to all skills in masteries which gives them even 40-50 more points than you. you simply can’t afford even the essentials.

it’s ok for main campaign but you woundn’t get far in crucible this way.