Hows it going guys? I am still running this build in Any updates to the build that you can see that aren’t obvious? I think its clear that the new Myth Brutallax is garbage. I am instead using Myth Gorefeast, with hopes of getting a Myth Burrwitch. Also, I replaced the Brawler Gloves with the Bloodrite Gauntlets. The CC and damage on them are insane, although their usefulness is limited to melee mobs.
For devotions, I decided to drop Sailor’s Guide and Behemoth to pick up Manticore, Fox, and Bat(to help with heals). I also spent my extra talent points on maxing out Bloody Pox, which I bound my Bat devotion skill to. Let me know if you guys have any tips, suggestions!
They both have pros and cons, Butcherer adds life leech and is good if you need more sustain, like in crucible. Gorefeast hits faster and has shaman skills. In main campaign I don’t think you will need more sustain than what you already have, but choose what you really need yourself.
First of all thank you for sharing your build. I’m quite new to the game but I do like using two handed weapons. Is this build also adapted for a two handed weapon user ?
I have abandoned this concept since the focus of gear shifted from procs to skill modifiers in AoM. There is not enough gear to upgrade it to anything decent. Skill modifiers introduced support feral hunger, blade arc or nightblade passives, so you have to play something more straightforward to make use of them. Warders and now also tricksters. For a conjurer, that would be a generic shaman with two hander, savagery, feral hunger and maybe something extra from component like the skill from bloody whetstone.
So to answer your question, yes, its kind of usual, even though not very resilent throwing away the concept. I don’t like it though because of weapon, Guillotine. Its an awesome weapon but stupid amount of flat bleed on it makes reflect extremely dangerous. One handed weapons aren’t even close to that, using them on reflect is almost safe.
Focus? They are just there to replace some of the procs. You either use them (with the skill they modify) or you don’t and lose in DPS. Skill modifiers modify the skill giving it something extra. They are worded as something something to someskill, like 160 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds to Feral Hunger
So is there something else than skills to increase our bleeding power ?
Um, this question is too generic without mentioning any specific build, do you want a generic answer? Resistance debuff, flat bleed on items and bleed procs that are still available.
You can check this build for sword and board bleed, being a warder it should have less issues with transition to AoM. There is also a dual wield trickster build for AoM that should be in the compendum. If you want 2H idk, I just don’t recommend it because reflect. It will become a build you will park forever because it oneshots itself on Fabius blade barrier and such.
I’ve never met these skill modifiers yet, thank you for the screenshots. Also since I’m playing since 1 week, I haven"t played the game before AoM then I’m not figuring out what changed :o.
I don’t think I can swap from Conjurer to Warder on this char. So I will keep going this way and see what happends ! This should work though with less impressive DOT numbers than warder. Notice how much you miss by not having blade arc.
There are pants, boots and possibly rings and medal that are placeholders, other items like greens and monster infrequents can be used in these slots instead to get more hp, resist and offensive ability.
There is the bleed duration reduction stat in the game and it might help you to counter reflect. Maybe using two hander is actually a good reason to dump that fancy guthook belt and equip the best bleed belt in the game instead. You get 25% reduction in bleed duration from heart of the wild, 20% more from berserker devotion and 50% from the belt for a total 95%. Add cirquit breaker for 100% failproof if you want (mark of divinity, avatar of mercy).
I went out to hit some possessed archmages with guillotine and decapitate skill and it seems 95% is good on its own already. Managing shorter bleeds like that from guillotine itself. There are also a few sources of 15 sec bleeds and the build has +300% duration, but these are also not as extreme. Maybe not having blade arc is good for you after all if you want to use two handers, with how notorious that skill’s interaction with reflect is.
And talking about relative power I hear warders can score 900K DOT. I’m not sure if that number is on dummy or a monster with bloodrager proc active though