[] Lets get physical DW DK, need help!

Can’t say anything about Targo since I don’t play sword and board builds and have a very vague understanding of what stats shield build needs.

But I don’t like Azraaka on DK because we use Cadence to proc Assassin’s Mark and I can’t see an effective way to proc it consistently and not loose out on RR procs from Assassin’s Mark.

Also, Azraaka looks more like a Pierce devotion to me, it doesn’t offer any flat damage and proc is going to be half-useless to us. I would take (even slightly nerfed) Empyrion over it any day.

Empyrion is the shit for physical builds. Also makes for a very strong devotion map and opens up 3 nods of Obelisk and Ishtak.

Ravenous earth for proccing assassins mark = win

Extra button push JUST for a devotion proc on a very well-oiled melee build? Not a win in my book.

EDIT: Witchblades are better for more offensive devotion setups in that sence because they have CoF and they have Bloody Pox, plus they can stack enough OA to make proccing AM from Bloody Pox offensive. DK is a bit different beast.

Does not like too many buttons to my taste https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2mKvXoZ

You kinda linked my old build again :slight_smile:

Exactly, just to show you that you do not have that many buttons to push on a cadance DK anyways

Was thinking something like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lV7WQXdV

Like i said, stat-wise, it feels weaker due to losing scepter and crab and its dependable proc. And yes, half of Azrakaa’s proc is piercing. But i’m curios about the skill overall. Does phys and % weapon damage, has +crit and OA shred. The 0.5 sec cooldown means it can be procced solidly with a DoT skill. Before i switched to your devotion setup on my DK, i was on Blind fury mode (yeah, i know…) so i put 1 point in ill omen in order to proc assassin’s mark. That thing procs stuff like crazy. So it could be worth it to just assign omen on the mouse wheel and just hit/debuff things in the distance with azrakaa, before blitzing in. No real need to use an extra button either, Ulzaad’s proc could be placed on blitz, on a low cooldown movement rune or even a WPS and azrakaa on BH.

Then again, it all boils down to the proc having real value or not. If it doesn’t, no need to sacrifice things to get it. We’ll just have to wait and see. Don’t get me wrong, not criticizing one of my favorite builds, just giddy about the new devotions and i’m curios to try Azrakaa out with the DK. And sorry for the rant, i sidetracked a bit :undecided:

That’s why it’s such a great build. It’s important for auto-attackers to keep attacking, kind of obvious, right. Every time you cast someting you are missing out on damage, auto-attack charges, cadence hit and very importantly - leeching. So that’s why I like binding Assassin’s Mark to your auto-attack - you start dealing most damage as soon as possible meaning that you kill dangerous foes before they can charge up/debuff you/gang up on you.

But then again, stuff like this needs to be tested to find out what’s better. Sometimes power of the proc bound to main attack outweighs ergonomics and QoL.

It looks decent tbh. Might be worth it. But gotta try it.