[] Musashi, the Vagabond of Cairn - Classless build for AoM content

Nice. I’d have imagined the death count would be higher. I guess the tanky stats and devotion routes did their job :smiley:

game is too ez we need a powercreep.

gz man gj

Unbelievable build… :smiley:

Oh good another thing I can link to the fucks who claim GD is hard.


oh. my. hat.
you did this? seriously impressive man!
just recently i was wondering if anyone had tried some ‘masochistic’ builds e.g. beat the game using all yellows or something but you went waaay beyond that
thanks for your informative post on a unique approach

okay NEXT question:
you did it using 2 of the 3 customisation options, being Devotions and Items, but no Classes
… so i wonder if it is possible using a different 2, e.g. Items and Classes, but no Devotions
… likewise Devotions and Classes, but no (or limited) Items
… food for thought
and once again thanks to Crate for a game which has replayability that just does not cease :+1:
regards all, hope the new year is treating you well,

Thank you for your kind words Sir!
I stopped playing the game after I cleared the last expansion because it took so much time to theorycraft and make builds, it became an obsession :smiley:
To answer your questions:

  • items+classes: too easy, devotions are much less impact than the class specific bonuses and abilities. Also the extra stat points as the class levels up are immensely useful.
  • I wanted to do a grey items only build just before I quit but never happened afterwards.