[] BurningHeart, Infernal Shieldbreaker, SR75 viable [g5][c+][vid]

Did you tried it? I would drop flashbang completely for 1 pointer in judgment DA shread and max stride. It look like a decent source of guaranteed dmg.

The fumble on FB doe…

does nothing on his lvl 82 shard vid. It take extra time to cast this shit, and its unreliable unless you max it. And you can`t gamble on fumble at such level anyway.

Tried, not with droppng FB. 30% fumble and ~200OA vs 150 burn/s? Not worth it.

Check your lvl 82 run. Upkeep on Flashbang is less that 50% . Most of the time all big boyz run toward you w/o fumble. :eek:
On the other hand, blazing trail has 100% upkeep =) Big boyz run on it all the time.
And its one less thing to cast . Mean more effective dps on others casts.

Already told you this, great build, glad you posted it.

Here is a soundtrack for you.

Thanks, bro :smiley:

This run doesn’t show all SR, much time you have to face-to-face fight with enemies.

How do you use magi if you’re kiting so much?

Where is the fucking levelling guide you lazy fucking fuck John_Smith!!!

Jk, congrats on the great build! I am loving all the crazy res overcap you guys put now in one build… :stuck_out_tongue:

I assume:

@John is SR the new benchmarks for your builds?

Great build John_Smith. You gave me some ideas to improve my VM spam Templar, so thanks! :slight_smile:

Jesus, 2 Gravas:rolleyes:
This build is a good example for all casters

I’ve already answered on page 1 :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Hard to say. I used a crucible as a benchmark for two reasons:1) it’s best place for farming 2) u can monitor your damage with adequate survival requirement. If your clear times becomes better - your real dmg raises.
For now - shards don’t give second option. And about farming: build can do 75-76 in ~14-15min(if don’t get impossible to pass throught nemesis combo) and get ~15 legs(excluding SR set) and in cruci u can easy do 3 runs in ~22 min with average strong 7-min build and get ~18 legendaries.
SR is very random with enemies now, that upsets me. I’ll play SR some time and would answer later, is it worth it.

Thank you.
I want to play spamming VM too! :mad:

Thank you, Dmt! :smiley:

Nice one! Really shows the power of dot casters now.

Must’ve missed it. Sorry for the spam john :eek:

amazing build!!! :slight_smile:

Great concept and execution, as always. Keep 'em coming :smiley:

For a second there, i was thinking that i’m seeing things with using those gloves with an off hand, but then it made perfect sense. Btw, what would you see as the next best thing to Kymon’s badge, as a possible/temporary alternative? A Cyclone mark, maybe?

So for sustain, you use bat and fiend for the ADCTH and thats it (with ghoul as circuit breaker of course)? With just health potions? amazing you can stay alive like that.

Well, 160-170 with 9k hp, it needs some balls already. And i thought i’m doing good with my tss kite druid with ~10min 3buff runs. Hat off.

Thank you.

Thank you. Why not, but it would we hard in SR to fight Valdaran and his stunning co.

It’s not simple, but I try to :slight_smile:

I have some skill in crucible farming :smiley: