[] HC DW Chaos Witch-Hunter

DW Chaos Witchunter


Gear: If you don’t res overcaps switch pants and boots out for Barbar and Magelord and change the head component to leather skin. You’ll get better stats and damage but debuffs can really hurt.

100% DW WPS
2600%+ chaos damage
RR from default attack, rings, devotions, skills
Decent AOE. Chaos blizzard, Chaos Nidalla’s blades, Chaos Bat Fangs, and WPS from component
160K sheets DPS

2K+ armor (5 pieces of craftable gear)
~25% Life leech
~22% dodge chance for melee and range
~28% fumble chance
~ 20% damage absorption
~ 38% physical resistancce
~30% res overcapped on elemental and ~20% on aether (can trade some 10% aether for 30 defensive ability)
~ -300 offensive ability
~ 2 heals
~ movement skill is a heal to full button

Misc: 6-11 points of flex devotions points to aim for more offense of defensive. I moved towards more defense due to HC but you can easily gain more offensive procs (Flame Torrent).

2-3 points of flexible skills points. You can move it to Shadow Strike in the MC to move around faster or to fill in a resistance (elemental/pierce)

Weakness: that motherf… I mean Grava’thul.




Crucible ~8minutes. Please keep in mind I’m really bad using melee.
SR: Not yet. Reward vs risk vs time isn’t worth it for HC currently.
MC: Hold LMB and press RMB every 4 seconds to kills things blindly.

Guarding gaze do more dmg that Blizzard on 8% CDR character. Not sure why you need Bat here, fiend look like a better investment.
You can switch boots for final march, that open a better pantsu slot. Also, why Nidallia relic?

I found gaze very lacking in terms of AOE. Also, the nodes are leading up gaze are pretty much worthless and it’s 1 extra node. This is the same for Nidalla’s relic. The proc is amazing and it’s one of my 2 main sources for AOE. The crit damage and DA is also very useful.

Bat is a great source of sustain even if I’m stunned. Plus the nodes leading up to bat is useful. I’m switching between both to test it out some more but currently I’m liking Bat a tad more.

I tried Final March too but I really didn’t like it. I had to moved too much items around to get 80% slow and ~25% stun reduction. My initial equipment was Barbaros pants + Magelord boots + Leathery Hide for slow and stun. That really stretched my resistance and ended up using some skills points to go 30% overcap.

If you’re not going for 30% overcap then Barbaros pants + Magelord boots + Leathery Hide is better. If you’re not in HC then Barbaros pants + Final March boots is better. I found under 10K HP is too much of a risk in HC.

i saw theorycrafted WH and Rah’Zin looks like my cup of tea.I am surprised of snub of Abomination,but guess is hard to fit in.Why you think Niddala is better than Ardor or Serenity?In gt link Manticore is not bind to a skill.

The problem with Abom is this, I do not trust any important procs that relies on an enemy dying. Also like you said, too many sacrifices have to be made to get it. Probably better for SC than HC since you can skip some defenses to get it.

The build have 100% pierce to chaos anmd ~80% cold to chaos. With 2900%ish chaos the Niddalla’s proc can rip apart most mobs, it’s one of my primary AOEs and a good source of healing. I can clear the path to Coven -> Barrowholm using only Curse of Frailty + Eldritch Fire and Bloody Pox + Bat and not lose any life due to the Niddalla’s proc.

I’ll fix the Manticore binding. Thanks for noticing!

I assume you are guzzling potions at 9 energy/s compared to 2x heals / ABB / RoS / CoF / Pox / default attack / movement skill(s)… are you constantly running out?

Build looks nice though, the amount of paper damage you see on chaos builds looks pretty insane.

Oops, I’m late :slight_smile:
Let me post my link here

can a witchblade be good here? planning to go the Zolhan’s route

Are Aether and pierce res so unnecessary nowadays, that you just skip capping the resist or do you have better rolls on your in-game gear?

@Hereafter Why don’t you even 1-point DB? You have 200% WD and chaos conversion after all.

nice hc build, love all your choices and the reasoning behind them. grava will fuck this build in sr i think just not a fan of autoattack builds…

Looks good! Probably going to try a Witchblade myself. Aiming for this or this.

I’m sorry, but what is DB?

I don’t think so, not with this set. This set is mainly a DW set and the Soldier mastery doesn’t provide too much of a bonus to DW build that I’m aware of. I’m not to familar with Witchblade, sorry.

Akillon have some grimtools you can look at though his post is a couple down from you.

lol, sorry :slight_smile:

There’s no energy issue due to the extremely high energy absorption (80%).

Thanks, yes Grava is not good for this build and most builds honestly. The debuff mechanic doesn’t make sense in an ARPG where you can’t see what’s happening lots of the time. Or if you can’t move due to various CCs.

Looks good but you might feel the missing manticore RR. I suggest that over Abom. Regardless, let me know how it goes.

This looks entertaining. Thanks for the post

Doom Bolt

Interesting. I personally do like Abomination, but I’ll do some testing.

I’m pretty tied for skill points but I might be able to swing 1 for Doombolt. However what I’m running out of keys to use. It’s getting more piano-ey than what I want.

I’m also testing Eye of Korvaak. The proc is pretty good but the routing requirements are terrible.

I might try Abomination and Eye of Kovaark.

Really nice build, I’ve actually been running something similar (although I’m too big a pussy to try HC lol)

I went slightly different direction and opted for Voidrend Talons and Eldritch Gaze cos I had them - Wondering how Harbinger head/arms will go - although I do not use DB so not much benefit compared to Voidrent Talons.

One thing I opted for to get more ADCtH and improve proccing of Eldritch Pact and Black Star of Deceit was double Seal of Blades on my Blades of Ch’thon.
This is working really well so far since the chest and swords convert all piercing to chaos and using black star and eldritch pact gives me significantly more damage without having to manage more abilities.

This is an older Grim Tools link of what I did - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnj8PyN

43% flat ADCtH means as long as you hittin’, you ain’t dyin’

You can swap out Ghoul for Jackal and take the first few nodes of Ulzuin’s Torch too for more OA and Crit damage.

Edit: This is an alternate devotion with higher OA: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/p253aePZ