[] Chaos Doom Bolt/Fissure CDR caster - Crucible +SR

Raw power of chaos unleashed. FG upgrades made it finally possible. Doom bolt has always been a favorite of mine among casters

GRimTools:https://www.grimtools.com/calc/D2pmp1KV - Build Thrives on Racial DMG vs Chthonics, Humans from medal too is important for FG spawns and finally Undead for reaper. If too much green, Shoulders can be Rah’zin or something

Important: Forgot to say that Revenant can now be used instead of manticore, surely with better results for RR and other stats. When I made this build, new Revenants were not in testing yet :

Revenant GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/xZypLJnV
Video Crucible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUcDen1etts&t=244s 7:25 - The build has less consistent AoE but man does it pack a punch. It can 3shot/4shot Nemeses. If this thing had Calirvoyant AoE mod for DB it would probably be OP. Chaos Fissure fills in the gaps really well for this build. DB stands at 0.9 Cd and it’s 1x Fissure per cast.

SR: Will come

Procs up

Ehh…need more time, laters:)


I haven’t seen such a…

…no, quite good. :cool:

Ty sir. I think you also fancy that horned helm. But you are kind

I tried another (worse obviously) version yesterday. Nice build :slight_smile:

We now see why removing the chaos to vitality conversion on the gloves is a good thing.

Made all the difference. Vitality resistant foes like Kuba were a bitch before conversion was taken off

Hurts my PB builds though…:rolleyes:

Goodbye 50% chaos/vit conversion.

We can open a thread and talk about that. If the build is hurt bad by it Z can always make a mod stronger or something

Nah, my intuition says that the “Nerf” isn’t going to be bad.

Still would need to test it though.

What I would’ve like to see is vit to chaos conversion on the gloves, and maybe +2 to RE to open up chaos ravenous earth more.

EDIT: I really don’t think the +2 to DE is even necessary at all

This is cool,CDR doom bolt doing damage and not only for devotion procing.

my vit sentinel version https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN44XymN cd is a little bit high (although extra cdr gets it close) but damage is higher + better rr

Crate really did a good job on the FX. I think even Kaisan’s doom bolt was updated.

Anyway, when I last talked to spanks about DB spam (pre patch) I thought it wasn’t going to be good. I’m really impressed with the results.

Cool stuff. I tried a melee/DB hybrid though it’s kinda weird.

Vitalit damage will always need more RR. At least that was my experience in AoM

It is truly heartwarming to see a pure DB build, and especially such a beastly one. Congrats!

Though, I don’t understand one moment: you have considerable amount of %lifesteal, Haunted Steel and Ghoul. But for the best of me, I couldn’t see see any %weapon damage anywhere in your build, no matter how hard I tried.
And yet your sustain is quite decent in the video. Sigil of Consumption alone wouldn’t be enough.

What am I missing?

First thank you :slight_smile:

Second , It’s Flame Torrent Devotion which has WD%. The Huge amount of Lifesteal from Either Bloodthrister ability on Haunted Steel or Ghoul proc, or both at a time means instant health gain.

That and the fact that you have Blood of Dreeg and Word of Renewal too and heal when you want mostly. Add inquis seal to that and you are good. In my Experience only Kaisan can make you teleport off your seal just once

EDIT: Forgot to say that Revenant can now be used instead of manticore, probably with better results. When I made this build, new revenants were not in testing yet

Revenant GT added

Right, thanks! Inq and Occ native heals were obvious, but totally forgot about the torrent…

About time we had nice Doom Bolt casters appear. Really cool build.

The caster off-hand and the gloves really improved the situation for chaos and vit DB. I love the -% skill cost mod on the off-hand too.

I suspect other damage types like the acid doom bolt from conduit will probably still have their own issues but more support might come in the future given these improvements :smiley:

First congratulations for yet another amazing build Fluff - really happy to see DB main dmg top tier build!

What are your thoughts on potential of Rahzin + Harbinger sets Deceiver?

Ther is a thread caled Rahahaha and we talk about it there. Pre buff and post buff.

Edit: Lol you said DEceiver, i misunderstood. Hmmm for what build? DB? Well if Beronath AA is enough of a filler. DB will have a pretty long CD.

but I intend to try a Pyro harb/rah

I was thinking about a ranged Touch of Chaos AA Deceived using full Harbigner set + Rahzin.

On paper looks very strong but i suck on theorycrafting nowadays so not sure.

I had a working build in using harbinger and shard of beronath… I tested rahbringer when it was first adding in testing, im sure it has improved since then… So it should be good.