Hello, thanks to advices from sigatrev and Maya i have upgraded my Cabalist making it a little bit unique, strong and very fun to play - that’s why i decided to post it
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvOj8GZ - no greens, Shadowfiend’s Cord can be changed to Mythical Tinker’s Ingenuity versus Kaisan for easier fight. He is strong enough in higher SRs to be cheesed a little bit. You can get some move augument like Rune of Displacement if you need so, I don’t like it personaly because it’s a little bit piano build because of not permanent spamable Blights.
Build is based mostly on Bysmiel set and Double Familiar + Ghoul and Fiendflesh parts for supportive-kamikaze Blight fiends. With Skelent Servant (best pet-tank)Hellhound, double Birbs and triple Blights combo you have your own small army dealing a lot of AOE dmg and even locking bosses after being surrounded. Unstable anomaly provides nice area damage and fun poison explosions all the time, with almost no delay Birbs do the rest.
Devotions are made by Maya, i’m trusting his knowledge and after testing some other choices my conclusion is - they are the best at this time, providing not only damage but also sustain.
Easy 75 in time, no deaths, no consumables, no shrines. https://imgur.com/7ULZdyN
Because of birds it’s viable for uber bosses either if you don’t mind kiting for a long time.
Put all your permanent buffs and auras, summon two Birds, Skeletal Servant and Hellhound. There is no point to summon Blights before fight, they are spamable but not permanent.
Keep Blood of dreg up all the time but not spam it mindlessly. It gives you nice healing so keep it for right moment - but still remember to have buffs from it active.
Call of the grave and Bysmiel’s command can be spammend in my experience but do not waste it when your pets are dead (rarely situation) and are on long cooldown, it’s waste.
Summon Blight fiends everytime skill is off cooldown, keep 3 of them and damage your opponents from their suicide-explosions.
Curse of frality and Ravenous earth should be spamed either.
Before boss room you shouldn’t have troubles with anything, there not really any dangerous nemesises or monsters (like arcane) for you. Just do not get surrounded, play calm and carefuly. You can bait monsters from distance with Curse of frality, your pets will do the rest. The bigger pack of monsters is the better it is. Grava’thul and Kaisan can be avoid for your own comfort, they are not really dangerous alone but they are annyoing.
Boss arena:
Try to bait bosses one by one walking slowly near the walls(standard tactic for higher shards), keep your pets with you, do not let them overextend, it can pull someone who you do not want to face so fast. After pulling boss try to not run much, one bad step and you can make fight even 1vs3. Pull Grava’thul and Kaisan as last, Reaper of souls and Kuba should be lower priority too. The less boss require kiting and running the better he is to fight early.
Dangerous enemies:
Kaisan - most annyoing boss and progress destroyer if he jumps on you with other bosses due to his crystals. You can use Mythical Tinker’s Ingenuity mentioned above, it helps A LOT OF while kiting him and some other enemies if you are unlucky. 1v1 it’s not required, he is not dangerous anymore.
Grava’thul - he is fast, due to his nulify you should be moving constant, he can damage your pets hard. 1v1 not dangerous either.
Vaaldaran - his silly teleport can put you into pack of enemies or into middle of the arena making fight 1vs5. Bait him at start for farthest point from others.
Ben’jahr - dangerous when not alone due his cage. Especially when you are facing Grava’thul or Reaper with him in one time.
Alexander - one shot meteor mechanic, just do not stay in one place and it’s going to be good.
All my experiences, feel free to give advices, ideas and correct me