I’ve always loved DoTs (Damage Over Time) and have played some really fun multiple DoT builds on GrimDAIL and Grimarillion mods. I’ve made an Elemental Deceiver and loved it. In, many affix have been added on amulet conduits. And one in particular caught my eye:
100% lightning damage converted to vitality to Storm Box of Elgoloth and -15% Vitality Resistance
RMB - Acid Purge
K1 - Word of Pain (linked to Bat)
K2 - Curse of Frailty (linked to Rattosh)
K3 - Storm Box of Elgoloth
K4 - Word of Renewal
K5 - Blood of Dreeg
K6 - Inquisitor Seal
K7 - Displacement
K8 - Horn of Gandarr (linked to Unduying God)
The gameplay is simple, DoT everything and run. For defence purposes, you have incredible sustain with 2 heals/buffs: Word of Renewal and Blood of Dreeg; and Inquisitor Seal does wonders, as usual.
Nothing special, going for max RR and OA/DA on the way: Rattosh, Undiying God, Bat, Solemn.
Elemental to Vitality conversion: 100% to Word of Pain (Weapon + Helm); 100% to Storm Box of Elgoloth (Amulet).
Rings: the classical duo for RR.
2 pieces of the Black Scorch Covenant: RR and %vitality damage bonus.
2 pieces of Valguur: good proc and %vitality damage bonus.
Vitality Aura of Censure (Helm) and OA/DA shred.
Pants: for spirit requirements and OA, and the proc is quite nice for kiters.
Shard #65 was done 3 times, no deaths. The runs were easy because the build is quite solid in the defensive area. But each time, the timer was red. The damage output compared to the elem dot’n proc is way lower. It is mainly due to the fellowing facts:
less RR
less procs on items
less procs on devotions
This is a DoT and Run build. It is very solid and greenless (no specific double rare needed.), as usual.
I hope you’ll like it!
But do you think that using Censure just for little dmg and slight OA/DA shred is actually worth it? I really believe 12/12 Possession would be better both in terms of dmg (% bonus to all skills) and survivability (some dmg Absorption and Skill Disruption). And, if you drop the helmet, you can actually use the full Dark One set, which is pretty good.
I also don’t quite understand, why didn’t you take the Pox (specifically the OA shred). You can surly drop a few points there and there to at least softcap Wasting.
Vitality Storm Box:eek:.I am almost speechless,that’s some level of creativity!I mean most of your builds are,but this one is one of the most interesting and obscure.
Secondly, it really shows (to me, anyways) why inquisitor should not have had RR in Aura of Censure.
this build uses primarily inquisitor skills to kill with item RR bonus and converts
this build does not rely on the meta Aura of Cheese RR and Ignaf Combustion relic RR and that is soooo refreshing to see. (Aura of Censure still provides a nice benefit in this build without the RR)