update 1 .1 .2 .3
Since the sword got some cool buffs and RoH was nerfed I thought it was a good time to go back to test/update this guy… results were more than very positive. RoH line is now used to debuff DA while shadow strike was invested in to be our nuke. In crucible 400-600k crits can result from SS on a 2.6 sec cd. With changes to devotions and components armor is now around 3600 with crafting bonuses. Overall damage and defense are higher making this a top tier clearer. I managed ~7min run first attempt. There were some bad play moments, and resistant mutator on 160-170… Then add the fact my computer adds 30sec-1minute onto the run. I would imagine average run times are around ~6:30 maybe lower with luck and a great computer.
Another quick build post… I swear one day I will go back and expand on these :eek::eek::eek:
I know this has been done before, but none quite like this! The build uses the granted skill from Mythical Crown of the Winter King(duh!) to absolutely wreck things. You also have the very strong rune of Hagarrad to bring the pain and debuff mobs. (although often things die before the rune can even arm). Solid defense brought by overcap inquisitor seal, lvl 14 shadow dance, very high armor, good da, good leech, ton of freeze, blade barrier, and turtle. Ill say this… in the video i didnt even have barrier on my bar or turtle bound to a devotion because Im a noob. The damage output is capable of putting out under 9 min runs consistently with full buffs. In main campaign putting an ectoplasm on a ring probably wouldnt hurt, but generally between harp and energy pots you are good.
1 .1 .2 .3 update
untested greenless version —>
Unfortunately resists are a bitch to cap. You absolutely have to have stonehide stoneplated greaves. Kings or featherstep would be best for suffix but unless you’re doing 3000-4000 crafts good luck… Tbh there are many workable suffix, as long as you can use blessing of ulo the lack of stun resist doesn’t really bother you. And the medal slot can be filled by anything with chaos resist. ikrix scale was chosen for extra hp and armor to compensate for lack of physical resist. dreadlord prefix on any green medal will work or any medal with chaos resist. (but then you will be drinking lots of hungerer or lifestealer oil)
While farming the rings, if you manage to getSoulrend it makes a good hold over until you can manage to find the bane of the winter king sword.
150-170 (169 & 170 in 1min starts at 7:34)
both rounds mobs had Resistant mutator so they had an extra 15% elemental resist