[ -] AARMAGEDDON: Spellbinder

What makes you feel Warlock is meme-tier? Considering its synergy with the Black Scorch set and how you pointed out that the Clairvoyant isn’t very good it seems like a decent contender.

Put one together and looks good on paper. Biggest issue is low DA but if I get a decent rare belt (Lunal’Valgoth’s Girde which has 50% fire to vit conv) and some better rare boots, that could be mended to some degree. On the bright side it has 42% damage absorption and 50% physical resistance whilst sitting at a comfy 15k HP.

Not sure if I should focus on Devastation or Sigil of Consumption, would need to do some actual testing. Downside is that I only convert 50% aether into something usable, though at least 100% fire gets turned into chaos/vit.

Devastation AAR Warlock
Sigil of Consumption AAR Warlock

I also need to do some testing on Second Rite and if it’s worth more than a casual point. Feel like pumping crit from Elemental Balance might be more valuable.

I have been trying to make work Chaos AAR Warlock with Covenant after last patch - it is really at the bottom and quite far below the second worst combo.


The Covenant skill on paper is super strong but in practice is a fucking nightmare to be of use - you cast it then the mobs move away and you have to wait 15sec again to re-cast it.
If you look at the GT numbers - statwise is awesome but in truth you die like a fly in Cruci and in SR. You cant leech enough, you cant position/kite due to the relience on the set skill. RR is a pure nightmare to play around.

Set skill needs to be a Proc (even if with lowered stats) with higher uptime.

Also Chaos as we know it is suffering tremendeously in the RR department, dmg is low and the gameplay is extremely meme-tier.
And despite being The Piano build TM - there is no satisfaction/enjoyment/reward for playing it - it is slow, extremely clunky, weak and just not fun.

To get the best out of AAR - you go with Spellbinder and forget Chaos version exists.

It’s a long target farm. Search out Ultimate Guide to Agrivix on tips how to farm it.

Oh, no! J_S showed up! Now this build is gonna be nerfed for sure. :wink:

Thanks for the kind words. CT is 360 degrees so it is (was) obviously easier. BTW have you tried updating Agrivix in FG?

No, I didn’t.
But I doubt very much Agrivix could achive such clear time atm.

There’s Revenant now with easy flat rr. Agrivix set doesn’t really have any advantages over other aether gear except the fire to aether on the amulet.

did you by any chance had a chance to test my suggestions?

Damnit YA!

you are taking up all my free time with these great guides YA!! stop it! :slight_smile:

Tested without devastation and results were:

Run 3 would have been 5:40-ish. Death was Kaisan doombolting me, maiden stunning me when i was about to use mirror and reaper finishing me off all within a second. I swear the buggers are evolving and starting to use teamwork now.
Either way AAR by itself is pretty damn strong as is

Yes, I did. I added a more defensive setup to op with your suggestions and some other ideas. As expected, it adds to defense at the cost of offense. But imo without good piloting even that defense isn’t enough and with good piloting it’s somewhat redundant. It’s still not good enough for consistent SR75 (miracle clears are possible ofc) - you need bout 1k health more and phys res from rare affixes for that.

You can’t really make a binder tanky. I feel like going any further - MoD, lefty devotions and stuff - would botch the offense too much. It’s all about squeezing all there is left from active defense.

Well, haha, don’t make me blush

That’s surprising. Where did you put the points from Devastation?

Ravenous earth + decay. Mostly just for proccing Revenant

In that case you can use 3pc Clairvoyant. It’s worth the phys res from Dawnshard. And change Arcane Spark to something else.

But it doesn’t really mean that Devastation has little impact. The difference between 5:20 and 5:40 is like between 7:00 and 8:00.

Really nice build, make my mark here to follow later :smiley:

All due respect, but WTF. I can’t think why in the world the devs would think this is any kind of a good idea. Are you sure you’re not just seeing the vitality conversion at work? If so, have you reported it as a bug?

He’s obviously joking,because Clairvoyant helmet is so bad for this build.

If you read up you’ll see in the description of the next item that I was referring to the 170 aether damage from lightning to aether conversion on Fleshwarped Tome. This is how much damage you would lose on this build if used Clairvoyant helmet. No bug. Just a “hyperbole.” Rhetoric.

Clairvoyant, now that I think of it from a perspective, is actually a pretty well designed set to give an average player a complete, comfortable experience and a satisfaction of seeing all core stats on the first page of the char sheet very high. A noob trap, so to speak. But if there was no vit conversion this set would have been way op when paired with Fleshwarped Tome.

why the dying god just for OA/DA?

Whats your opinion on codex of lies? Viable alternative or is the fleshwarped tome absolutely BIS?

OA is crucial to DPS. AAR alone has 70% crit dmg. With my rolls, I got 60% global crit dmg. This is 130% crit dmg on AAR which is crazy. But only when you crit often enough. So, getting oa everywhere we can.

Fleshwarped is BiS. Flat dmg is most important for channeling skills because they tick a lot per second. And converted vit on Bat is also build defining.

Codex of Lies would most probably be no-green BiS. I haven’t tested that after the buffs. It was the no-green BiS on Krieg + Anasteria AAR and old Clairvoyant AAR long ago. 24% crit is great and the disrupt res… I’m not all that excited about the proc, it is only single targret. Without Fleshwarped I would probably think about using Magelord rings.

how do u fix life recovery with fleshwarped tome? single bat seems not enough
and what is solution for mana?

Amulet gives life steal mod to AAR. For mana the solution is Arcanist and cost reduction from gear (as well as massive energy absorb).