(all buffs, no on hit buffs - no Arcane Will, no Ghoul)
GT (no rare affixes): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwmk4k2 (crafted with physique)
crucible 5:43 (average, first try): https://youtu.be/JRONQi65X4Q -
GT (pimped out off-hand and stoneplates): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN47y6YZ
SR 82: https://youtu.be/Vkk3PQ65dkk
GT (old max dmg version) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNk6rJdZ
Plamodermic’s 4:55 run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvuxB6_WsA&feature=youtu.be
Kazy’s 4:53 run (no Ghoul to Jackal for full DG switch, just Spirit dump) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZtquCd_fcM&feature=youtu.be -
GT (megaSUICIDAL) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZP5W5GN
3+1 4:37 https://youtu.be/UPMF3rLxYmc
After some tweaking to get the lost dmg back I ended up with this setup: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2Eb17bV. Here’s save files: _Marvalias.zip (1.1 MB) in case someone wants to take it for a spin and maybe improve it. To be completely safe with energy take a few Arcanum Dusts instead of Irrah’s Soulfire on the jewelry.
But because of the nerfs to all three items that made this build stand out (Outcast Secret, Fleshwarped Tome and Dawnshard Pauldrons) BUILD IS DEAD as in there is no longer any reason to pursue this concept over the generic full Clairvoyaint that almost matches its dmg but is way safer. Here’s an example of full Clairvoyant: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zmAMRN or no-green https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m23gJrn2
(including Arcane Will)
GT (no rare affixes default offensive setup) and Crucible of Death with 3 blessings and Vanguard Banner in 5:43 and Mercymaker’s 5:21 Run
GT (tweaked for slightly more defense)
GT (GDStasher’s) and SR75 failed aggro abuse with Reaper and Benn
There was a lot of discussion and theorycrafting after the penetration change to Albrecht’s Aether Ray. Opinions were divided. Some builds were posted. No minds were blown.
Mage hunters are still ok and warlocks are still meme-tier. Spellbinders, once the strongest class in the game, are now stripped of most of their defensive potential and much of their offense as well. But they are not dead. Only asleep.
Time to wake them up from their slumber.
This build is my personal vision for a binder. DPS machine walking on the edge. Build that rewards expert piloting with neon green carnage of death. Build that requires you to actually learn. To up your piloting game.
This is Sekiro of Grim Dawn. You will die, not once and not twice. But once you master it, you will thrive…
HELMET: Outcast Secret. No-brainer. New Clairvoyaint helmet is plain terrible. There’s a hidden -170 aether to AAR on it.
OFF-HAND: Flashwarped Tome vs. Pulsing Shard is like Windows vs. Linux. Pulsing Shard is the popular choice. Looks neat and everything. But if you look closely Flashwaped Tome represents a total of whopping 250 aether to AAR. That includes the aforementioned 170 from its lightning to aether conversion. Vitality to aether conversion empowers Bat, making up somewhat for the loss of 6% adcth.
CHEST and MAIN HAND: Occupied by Clair.
SHOULDIES: Dawnshard Pauldrons vs. 3pc Clairvoyant is like Napoleon vs. Duke of Wellington. Clairvoyant seemed to have it all, and Dawnshard kicked his ass. Phys res and the PROC that saves precious seconds, allowing to skip casting Ravenous Earth.
RINGIES: Eternal Haunt is set in stone. Albrecht Duality vs. Screams of the Aether is like Mayweather vs. McGregor. 15% racial to Aetherials is strong and all. But this is GD. 100+ oa with all the crit dmg from Disintegration and Elemental Balance is undefeated. And then there’s more dmg from Agrivix relic. And then there’s terrify on the Screams that adds 15-20s to your clear times.
Magelord rings would seem like an upgrade due to even more lightning to aether on AAR and some lightning to aether on Spear of the Heavens. But because we have no Wrath of the Ascendant with it’s rr, letting go of Haunt is problematic. Plus Magelords screw up resistances and core stats.
MEDAL: Anathema. MoD is for pussies. kidding, MoD is a viable option for more survival
AMMY: Tough one. Essence of Grim Dawn vs. Conduit of Arcane Whispers is like AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol. I quietly rooted for the conduit. But it turned out it just didn’t have enough juice to compete. Even with maxed Fabric of Reality the conduit mod still gives less flat than Essence of GD. And with no Pulsing Shard we need that 4% adcth. But this build could really use the defensive stats of the conduit. SR oriented setups should set up for the conduit.
PANTS: Wraithborne Legwraps 4ever.
BELT: Violent Decay. Even without much fire to convert (100% fire to aether form Clair) it’s still the best belt for arcanist due to the resistances. And there’s some fire in Devastation.
RELIC: Agrivix’s Malice vs. Eternity. Way more damage vs. slightly less stress with Mirror-MoT-TD cooldowns.
BOOTS: I wanted Wraithwalkers which are overall better but Krieg’s got pierce res. No ranks to Spectral Binding but 4 other relevant ranks are also good.
GLOVES: Aethereach. Self-explanatory.
COMPONENTS: Due to Reaper being the biggest threat for binders double Sanctified Bone was in my initial setup but I settled for just one. The rest is self-explanatory. Worth noting is Arcane Spark - it’s energy leech is not entirely wasted with 60% weapon damage from Spear of the Heavens.
AUGMENTS: Outcast’ Wrath is the best weapon augment for aether due to racial dmg to aetherials. Aetherials and Reaper are the most resistant enemies. Sadly, cannot use two.
This is a variation of a classic binder devotion setup minus weakened now Fiend, redundant for AAR Ghoul and the last two nodes of Dying God, and plus newly superbuffed Revenant.
There are two main ways to level a binder efficiently: caster and summoner.
CASTER: Start with arcanist. Pick up Olexra’s Flash Freeze. Put Searing Ember and later Flintcore Bolts on your off-hand. Fireblast/Greater Fireblast is your main weapon. OFF is your main debuff. Except the arcanist essentials, pick up transmuted Calidor Tempest + Inferno for some extra damage if you feel like you have too many points. Stack %fire and %casting speed.
SUMMONER: Start with necromancer and put all you got into Skeletons and then Blight Fiends and then some Reap Spirit. Except the necro essentials, pick up Call of the Greave and tehn Master of Death. Stack pet stats mainly total speed.
Once at a high enough level start thinking of respeccing to aether. Unstransmuted Calidor Tempest is a good start before you collect endgame AAR gear. Here is a guide by courtesy of malawiglenn.
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