( - Dual Wield Elemental Tactician Build: Facetanks Kaisan, the Eldritch Scion and Lokarr Ea

Easy Lokarr facetank - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GER3laGS6sI&t=6s

Easy Kaisan, the Eldritch Scion facetank - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fn0VHZprMrs

Brief Build Description and Overview

This build revolves around the shattered realm armor set. People say the SR set is “generic”

or just too “original” but it’s not. 20% damage absorption at 40% health is a lifesaver when it

comes to proccing the right skills as it buys you a lot more extra time. And come on, you

can’t go wrong with + 2 to all skills. I wanted to show people that Kaisan is not a hard boss

while in the process of making this build. Heck, even my 2h fire forcewave build facetanks kaisan

which is also found on my channel and he only relies on ADCTH. This build is almost a 180

degree turn in that sense. But the bonus this build offers is facetanking Lokarr. You can

easily facetank him with this build as it offers 80% + 157% overcap fire resistance and

much much more. It offers very good DPS with very tanky results. You will rarely drop past

50% health on most bosses. Nemesis bosses will vary except for Kaisan. This is also a

great online support build for Callagadra and Ravager.

You forgot GT link and some mentioning of other similar builds that already have been posted here https://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84623

How do you know OP based his build on someone else’s without even seeing the build itself?

Not based on others. Found it through theory crafting actually. I have yet to see a similar build actually. I wouldn’t just go through all the trouble typing this out…

You just contradicted yourself. How would you know it’s similar to another if I haven’t posted the build yet? No build comes close to resembling mine. Grimtool link will be available soon. Once again, done through THEORY CRAFTING. But it depends, we’ll see if people are interested first and foremost.

I’ll make a guess.

Dual wield Malakor with SR set.

No, the SR set is correct because I mentioned it. It’s dual wield chillheart.

Lol, are you guys really that jealous? Unreal. I post a build and there’s already a fight breaking out. Cry me a river, please. Until enough people are interested, I’ll post the grimtools link happily. But it seems like the keyboard warriors won’t make that happen.

Let me be real honest. I only post once and a bloom moon here but let me say just this. I never take ideas from other builds because that ruins the purpose of creating your own build. Not to mention that it would be make your build EXTREMELY boring since everyone couldn’t figure it out themselves.

Glenn just had some very recent experience of “people stealing builds” so it’s understandable what he’s trying to do. Still didn’t make caling you out for stealing right. We we need grimtools tho :stuck_out_tongue:

@glenn: hey man, not everyone’s that guy. :wink:

I did not intend to start a drama. I should have written “and if applicable, mention other similar builds as a comparison

From OP’s post history, this has been an “issue” where he/she posts some weird (often highly non-optimized) variation of said build - with reactions from the community and/or original build-poster. So my intentions where just meant as a precaution not having such drama in his/hers threads again.

Anyway, still no GT link, what is up with that? If you do not like to see other peoples builds, why should anyone be interested in seeing yours? There you go, I found a contradiction as well, can I have some candy now?

So to summarize, there is no GT link, thus there is no “build” to discuss. Just some text with “build-philosophy” and some videos.

No-one is jealous… I am not even curious, I just asked for the GT-link and, if applicable, comparisons with other DW tricksters with same/similar gearing.
(why should someone be jealous on a build that kills lokarr in 100 seconds lol)

Not sure why I should be jealous of anything. Last time your builds left me unimpressed, I expected more out of a person who complained about bosses being too easy for what feels eternity.

My post was because using SR set on DW builds is trending, and speaking of dw elemental tactician I instantly remembered mad lee’s DW malakor one. I just wanted to show off by making a correct guess, that’s all.

You’re free to post your build ofcouse, I’d prefer it that way instead of another drama thread. God knows there had been enough of them recently.

cmon man

  1. I am no friend of mala, but all he did was state that you forgot to mention similar builds had been done. That doesn’t matter at all unless you were heavily inspired by one imo, but still he did nothing so just relax. Not like it’s an absurd comment to make either given that there’s been numerous elemental tacticians posted either…

  2. I am gonna go ahead and say lol at your jealous part. Yes we are all jealous you can facetank kaisan and kill him in 10 years :eek: My grandma could kill this guy faster than your tact

Can you plzz share GT link to your grandma build?

This thread looks to be such a great way to spend the time prior to the forum shutdown!

Not sure something qualifies as a build though without, you know, a build included.