[] Elemental Beastcaller's Conjurer

Is SR75 twice as hard as it used to be or is it just me? Seems I always get Kaisan, Anasteria, Reaper plus whatever else. Getting wrecked, pets are melting.

Thats just rng, if you run into something like Alek + Anasteria even if you have a full party with all BIS gear youā€™d still wipe ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Anasteria on her own is extremely dangerous, on par with the AoM nemeses. The AoM nemeses are way worse than the vanilla ones, so two AoM + Ana is going to be ridiculously hard compared to no-Ana + two vanilla nems. Itā€™s unfortunate how large the difficulty swings in SR are, but there isnā€™t a ton you can do about it.

Hello, no changes to this?

My current recommendation is this.

I appreciate it, thanks.

Do you mind posting a link to the safe tree of life devotion setup? Im newish so i would def appreciate it! Thanks!

Sure: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lV74ol6Z

Thank you!

Have you tried snapshotting this build? Seems like we could achieve 26/16 Familiar and Briarthorn at least, maybe 16/16 Hellhound. Something like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2E1ovP2 (couldnā€™t find pants or rings to help).

Edit: Can swap belt for Shadowfiends to get 13/16 with Hellhound.

I have not, and you shouldnā€™t either. If people abuse snapshotting it will be removed and that has other negative consequences (pets unsummon any time you change gear). Basically your options are no benefit vs no benefit + inconvenience.

Out of curiosity, think it can go lower than 5 min mark with snapshotting?

Iā€™d be pretty surprised since this only does 6:30 without. Ghol definitely can since itā€™s already under 5:30.

Heya. My first kill of Calladraga solo video with one of Sigatrevā€™s build. Changed the rune and hotkey assignments a bit. It took 15-16+ mins, died 2 times before because of not minding the quicksand. Used 3x Menderā€™s powder in the accessories. Kill time should be faster with 3x Mogdrogenā€™s blessing augment which I should have used :mad:

Beware of the quicksand, the yellow glowing thing creeping on the ground.
You can see @ 8.40 the damage of the quicksand, almost killed me. Good thing I can see it at night time :stuck_out_tongue:

Kind of OT, but as itā€™s mentioned that this build can do SR 75-76 consistently: Why is standard to do two shards instead of just one (e.g. just 75)?

Since this is the first endgame viable build Iā€™ve completed (thanks sigatrev!) Iā€™m slowly working my way up 5 (or rather 6) shards at a time. Canā€™t do more in one evening, I find SR (and cruci) tedious.

2 shards will give you full chest rewards with time left at the end. 1 shard finished will give you significantly less chests to open.

Any suggestions on updates to this build? Itā€™s still one of my favorites!

Glad you like it!

I think the only thing Iā€™d change based on the last two patches is the component on the legs which can be replaced by Spellcorched Plating.


First of all, i would like to thank you for this build, my pre-malmouth conjurer was happy to find a new updated build. I find this one extremely good since i have most of the gear, missing rings and amulet, and i dont use cataclysm since i went with bound wraith instead to get perma uptime on primal spirit until i get the jewellery.

Just a quick question, how much better does it get with the jewellery you list here? i guess its a jump because of the conversion and the +2 to all skills but i wouldnt know. Currently using https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62ay51x2 , any recomendations?

Hi @sigatrev! Any updates for this recently? I know the offhand was nerfedā€¦
