[] Lighning piano build Elementalist,glass cannon


Welcome to Forgotten Gods forgotten classes edition!
This is real legend and deserves legendary font.It’s lightning Elementalist.This class is always looking good,but is kinda noob trap,someone else is better doing basically the same.I follow the traditions of this build,more recently done by ya.


*pic with permanent buffs

GT link https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YZewdKE2

The idea is to go 3 damage spells+procs.I use non transmuted SJ,totems and wind devils.Light defender pushes damage and armor quite high.Buld have over 100% crit damage and great ligning modifier.Almost no sustain,though.


I actually am quite embarrassed of my playing to record video.Times vary from 6.30 to 8 minutes depending on spawns and mutators.Also I died quite often on 169 and 170.Playing requires 4 buffs+banner,aether cluster on hot bar and some piloting skills.Build looks beautiful and AoE damage is insane


Literally the end for Elementalist.Plea from the class combo,make us strong!

reserved,cause people do that