Fire AAR: Arcanist +?

Ofc not as good as I want to.
As I said - hope I can pimp up the OA. Just got started with the build

have you considered another set btw with caster chest and helm? that energy regen do not look great

energy regen is similar to lightning aar. Its quite alright.
I only theocrafted every other ele/fire set. Best one besides justice was pyron. But damage was poor.

Well, to be honest: If you make some effort, fire and lightning might become similar to one another. But: You need more active attacks for the fire devotion. Even tried to drop the torch. Was alright too…

But I do like the lightning style much better. The fire beam looks so… tamed, unharmful, boring. And the lightning flickers from storm witch / ulto are just the best. Think I´ll stay with lightning. But: Fire AAR CAN be a thing.