[] The Dragon General - Stoneguard Based, DW WPS Hybrid Physical Retal Oppressor

I meant allowing non-set pieces like that shoulders.

I am still a bit disappointed that there are no sets with boots, gloves and pants involved (save for Krieg)

Have checked this yesterday. It seems as the build is really lacking at AoE and abundant in RR, FT bound to RF is actually quite crucial.

Also check with FT bound to one pointer RE, simplicity of the current setup still win.

Dawnshard is good. Always love it. Shame that the reduced damage proc is nerfed.

Regarding honor, off course it will better offensively, but the res, DA, and OA of this build doesnt let me to. Necromancer is not giving me any DA and Res. The build is hanging in a delicate balance currently. Will revisit it more in the future if I ever get more idea.

What? I didn’t see that in the changelog! FUCK! Z nerfs all good things that I used. :face_vomiting:Now it’s no use taking it on binders in place of RE!

Legendary Non-Set Items

  • Reduced % Damage Reduction on Dawnshard procs

RIP :skull:

Yeah, from 14% to 10%. Well, at least it will still save you some points.

The proc mechanic is not doing much AoE in the first place. I am still quite sad it got nerfed. But well, gotta move on and find broken new things… :innocent:

I’ve always liked Hybrid, conceptually more than pure retal. Nice build :slight_smile:

It was 15% dmg redux, wasn’t it? Yeah, AoE, there wasn’t any. But this proc was real good against single biggies. And for the shards. Godsdamn! Z! I see it now! That 50% acid to pierce on SB belt was just a DIVERSION! :rofl:

Oh, yeah, nice build btw! :stuck_out_tongue:

Binders were a direct cause of this nerf :slight_smile:

Never disobey and break down sets! Or NERFS!!! To EVERY SINGLE ITEM you chose instead!

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Thanks fluff… :wink:

To be honest, using set items is more rewarding than using a single non set item. The individual pieces got almost the same value as non set, also the set bonuses always give so much stats. I got more success when I combine 2 full or partial set into one build because of that.
Nerfing dawnguard pieces like that is just sad. Make them hard to compete with set pieces again.