[] Cold Reaper

Cold Reaper. Uses the Drain Essence skill, Blade spirits and Leviathan’ proc as main attacking abilities. The build is extremely simple and consists of 1.5 buttons. We use the Drain Essence skill and cast Ravenous Earth, nothing more is required. On hard bosses turn on the label and if you need a barrier. (Since I have the habit of pressing a lot of buttons, I use a bunch of potions so those places do not stand idle and do not let the fingers forget )

Build without greens: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/p25orglZ
Build with green boots: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlWP752

Queen 6s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV4kL3_3Hok

150-170 6m 13s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFmTZgFUXow
You can do less than 6 minutes if you are more fortunate than I and you will not fall for passing 3 Cubicabras, which have 94% resistance to cold and a big recovery, by the way, Cubicabra has all big, well more pleasant modifiers of the horn, and not like me -20% witchcraft speed.

75 SR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzqLAQOSJvc


You should call it the Dementor! The cold kiss of death, sucking the life from your foes.

Nice, very nice.

Do you think the Chillwhisper set+Gravetouch would work well on an Apostate? You’d still have elemental resist reduction, and instead of Blade Spirits, you’d use Rune of Hagarrad

I tried it on Apostate and wasn’t impressed much. Imo, the blade spirit part of the set outperforms the DE part. And RoH is the loser in comparison with BS.
On the whole, cold DE apostate is slow, not very powerful and not entertaining.