[] Budget AAR Mage Hunter

Ok i will see if i can get some pointers and build my self. For the first time… I am so bad at it :smiley:

Hello, I am leveling your build as the chaos variation, I know leveling as AAR isn’t the most common route due to regen but I just don’t find the typical paths to get to AAR very fun. I am having a hard time figuring out how to reach harp on the devotion path, everything else is going great though so thank you for the effort on this guide.

Yeah AAR costs lot of energy and Harp isn’t in your way playing chaos.

But there are lots of other ways to sustain the cast. Mental alacrity, spirit, jewelry components, etc. And also absorb can help, Iskandra Elemental exchange and Conversion have it.

PS, my builds are not exactly up to date.

I’m also levelling an AAR Mage Hunter, and I’m using AAR since the char hit lvl 20. At the moment he is level 43 and can sustain a 23/16 AAR without any energy issues. I’m using a pusling Shard and 4 Ectoplasm to sustain energy consumption, it works really well, no devotion needed.

See Grim Tools Link to my char:

Hope it helps

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what is the full name of the BiS pants? “Alex” means nothing to me…

Is Alex your ex?
Aleksander’s Legguards from Archmage Aleksander


i dont see any conversion on this amulet… it got changed?

Unfortunately yes, it got removed in 1.1.5 like so:


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any replacement? which amulet should i use instead?

I don’t think that there’s cheap option sadly. Conduit for AAR is perhaps the best option if you have the recipe or of course Essence of Grim Dawn. Vanuqisher or Agrivix amulets can patch the hole.

but conduit convert all aether damage to cold… i need aether damage