Mage Hunter (Inquisitor+Arcanist) is excellent class for caster. It can be build around one of the Arcanist spells like Trozan, Panetti or Albrecht aether ray. AAR since few patches ago can pierce through enemies, so that gives more AoE damage. AAR can be made in few different flavors, like fire, lightning, chaos, aether and vitality. Fire and lightning budget builds are made by @malawiglenn and also by @adoomgod, so here’s Mage Hunter aether and sketches for chaos. For aether MH have strong opponent- Spellbinder and for chaos without items is tough call.
- Disclaimer, due to lack of internet pics are from older patch.
- DPS and OA should be higher
Gameplay: AAR is main attack, it scales with cast speed and is requires high energy sustain. So you stand in seal, cast AAR, but also occasional Pain and Haunt for RR procs. Heal with Renewal, use Nulification to remove enemies buffs and mirror as panic buttom.
Faction gear items:
- rings,from Solael and Barrowholm reputation, good combo for stats
- Shoulders, Dreeg reputation, can be beaten by good rolled Log(final boss) shoulders
- medal, faction recipe from Bysmiel, lots of resistances and OA
- belt, crafted, recipe from Coven
Targetable items:
- Fettan Mask, dropped from chest in FG area
- Krieg gloves, from Valaxteria in act 6
- Krieg boots, from Terrnox in act 6, 2 piece combo gives solid aether damage
Blue/low level items:
- Amulet, used for conversion. Also nice chunk of aether resistance
- Dagger, not mandatory, but again elemental conversion helps a lot
- Relic, Haunt- +1 Arcanist skills and RR proc, super good and cheap relic
Green Monster Infrequent items:
- Off hand, our bread and butter. Makes AAR damage heals you. You can buy it too form vendor in Port Valbury (thanks, @malawiglenn)
- Pants, any pants with stats and resistances can fit. BiS are Alex, but Dreeg are cheaper option. Good base of OA and resistance
- Chest, for lightning to aether conversion, drops from Koorvak followers in FG area
Stats to aim for:
- at least 2.7k OA
- at least 2.8k DA
- at least 10k Health
- all resistances (Pierce,not needed) capped, overcaps are welcomed
- 1.5k armor
- 10-15 % physical resistance
- 180-190 % cast speed minimum
- 2k % aether damage
Attributes : spirit to equip Off hand, everything else in Physique. If you have more DA, than you can invest in spirit
I want to ensure take of Harp constellation for energy regen. Also went for Spear for extra damage proc. But route is open for debate. How to get my exact map:
- Blue
- Imp, remove blue
- Hawk
- Widow
- Sailor’s Guide
- Tower
- Purple
- Wolverine, remove purple
- Yellow
- Bard’s Harp, remove yellow
- Red
- Viper
- Vulture
- Reventant, remove red
- Spear of the Heavens
Chaos build
- perma buffs and Dying God
Some different items, like Hexflame faction recipe legendary weapon, Log shoulders, Sacred Talisman relic( form Rovers quest), Final March boots, Bloodsworm green chest.
Devotions, I opt to take Dying God together with Harp.
Aether vs Chaos Mage Hunter:
Chaos have more regen, huge physical resistance, more OA, looks cooler(personal opinion), but I will go with aether. Aether is easier to gear, more RR, more %damage. Actually %chaos is almost impossible to stack. I went for crazy spirit numbers just for that!
Further Reading
☄ Collection of malawiglenn's Beginner Friendly builds That’s Malawiglenn guide for lightning AAR, may help you build your build from the scratch.
[] Beginner's/budget Mage Hunter My Mage Hunter guide, it has some ground rules for leveling MH
[] AAR vs FoI (Deceiver, Mage Hunter, Purifier, Spellbinder, Warlock) (c+) (sr+) (g3) Collection for AAR builds by Nandi
Recommended beginner builds
Builds by Nery(me)
⚔ Nery's beginner build collection Collection with my beginners builds
Builds by Stupid_Dragon
[DW melee] Beginner’s Virulent Dervish
[DW melee] Beginner’s Forgotten Blademaster
[shield melee] Beginner’s pre-Krieg Death Knight
[2H melee] Krieg Death Knight on budget, the Soul Reaver
[] Beginner’s melee 2H Lightning Elementalist Old but still deserves a mention
[] Beginner's ranged Tactician Old but still deserves a mention
Builds by malawiglenn
☄ Collection of malawiglenn's Beginner Friendly builds Collection with Malawiglenn builds
Build by Sir Spanksalot
🔪 Sir Spanksalot's / malawiglenn's Beginner Guide for Phantasmal Blades Reaper still not re-formatted to fit the new forum but the most important things are in there.
Builds by Maya
The Carnival - A Guide to Pets contains all you need to know about pets and contains several budget builds
Build by Udars
[] Vanquisher Fire Sentinel, semi-beginner friendly and practically farmable Semi budget build around Vanquisher set
Also if you are in doubt,check my guide,how to select a build!