What is the point of Drain Essence when we have AAR?

Here is my guide for beginner/budget Lightning AAR

pretty reasonable items I’d say, I managed to do this char in ~25 hours from scratch (only used faction mandates and exp pot)

I have other versions too, with better Log shoulder, Pulsing shard (that I shopped from vendor in Port valbury) and a better armor (Valaxteria robe)

There is no chance in hell one can do a similar dps build with Drain Essence with same tier of gear.

My suggestions are

  • change conversion on Hex Launcher to 100% to make it comparable to the other faction legendaries for AAR: Hexflame and Aetherbolt pendant.
  • change skill modifier on faction legendary amulet Reavers Hunger to give it 100% conversion from aether to vitality on DE instead of its modifiers to Bone Harvest (which already do a ton of damage)

@thejabrixone I also have a sketch for budget Fire AAR in my guide, and Nery did budget Chaos and Aether AAR here [] Budget AAR Mage Hunter and you see he hits +100k dps on them too. I think my Fire AAR have around 130k dps I have not checked after patch though.