[] The Holy Vulture - Bonemonger Based, Tri-Elemental Proc-Fiesta Purifier

To think it got rated as bad by many people before release. I don’t think it was changed since release was it?

it gained a bit of phys res and attack speed recently, but other than that no.

Also someone’s gotta do a run with buffs and banner now :/.

Honestly I don’t have the mind to nerf something. I just have the mind to make something good.

This build is not easy to pull of because from the start it has so many problems. If you see in a vacuum, it really doesn’t use anything that overpowered in it. The combination make them good.

Bonemonger itself is not an obvious set and a set with so many problems. Going into the obvious way like aether apostate will not make the build as good as this. You see that the set doesn’t really provide tri-elemental damage conversion or flat damage. Only aether damage. The granted proc itself is really tricky to work with. It has a low 0.3 sec CD but not having a high proc chance, also it proc on a frickin crit! Going into the offensive with high OA is the only thing the build can be.

The set is really lacking in def prop like cc res, and +%max res. Also it lacks energy Regen. It’s ridiculous to have 30 energy Regen in a build using offhand, but I do what I can to fix it. Phys res is decent.

You need to try this build first if there really anything need to be tone down. I just hope crate is still awarding creativity and not nerfing things blindly because someone just found the most efficient way to solve the puzzle.

Ah, I see you have embraced the fact that elemental bonemonger is the best bonemonger :stuck_out_tongue:?
Honestly I very much doubt you can get 6 min without banner with that thing. It’s not easy to get that number without banner. You can try to provide a video proof though. :wink:

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Wasn’t really keen on making a postable build so that’s first draft where I just crammed in all the procs I wanna see. Went Attak Seru and big bird cause I haven’t used them since release. Only did 2 runs, 1st is 6:55, 2nd I died to MQ.

Try iskandra set + spelldrinker for this concept, x1x2…

Grimtools still down :frowning:

That’s the other option but I don’t have the motivation to test a lot of builds currently. I did invoker first cause that was my old build so if the first draft turned out great I’d just update that.

Yeah, I forget about that.
Though I really doubt if CT can really be good with minimal item skill mod. If using iskandra, You may want to still use TSS for major nuke. Though it will just be a branch of my build and may not become CT focus build.