[] The Stingray - Chillheart Bonemonger, Cold DW WPS Infiltrator


Btw I tried in Crucible your build. Did 3 runs, died once and complete it twice. My fastest run is 6.25 bannered! I probably make some mistakes, but still is beyond me how you’re so fast! Damn, I was hoping to have the bragging rights at the end :sweat_smile:


really well done!

nice to see someone else use dual chillheart with this devo setup ^___^ yours is even better than mine, i must admit i didnt even consider monger :stuck_out_tongue:

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A good part of that run time is gg mutators. He had 10total damage increase the entire run and never ran into resistant mutator.

The build is quite picky. It chose the one who pilot it… :innocent:

Joke aside, yeah maybe aside from lucky mutator, I am too accustomed to do run without banner. My longest run with this build is 6:40. Usual average is 6:15. So yeah…

Use my previous GT link above if you want it tankier.

Edit: you may also want to take account of your positioning. Optimally you want your enemy to be always in front of you because of bonemonger’s proc. This is a must for boss and nemesis waves.

Aside from that, you also want to give stormbox to a bunch of different enemies, to increase the proc chance of bonemonger and others.

Thanks Tomo!
Understandable, only me and valinov like to mess around with bonemonger. LoL

I have actually explored bonemonger aether oppressor variant:

It’s resilient, but I am not very happy with it. Oathkeeper is obviously cannot support aether to a high degree. I am happy to be proved wrong btw.

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Don’t be shy to share your builds. We all are learning here… :wink:

Until you learn it’s a crime to do (or not do) some stuff :wink:

Damn @mad_lee, you scare away the kids so much!

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Damn, I gotta be the most fun person at the party.


Same here @jawa. :smile: We all share much in common as players, at some point we are all criminals doing punishable offences in some countries.

Just kidding, I am big fan of yours and you are the soul of our elitist party club :blush: :partying_face:


@thejabrixone have you tried going caster route with this build? With like chillspikes or stormfire? I know chillheart is more of an attacker weapon but caster is fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Did some silly theorycraft for aura/caster (not bonemonger) and looks good on paper but I’m not really motivated to play nowadays :expressionless:


hmmm. I am not sure. I think blade spirit is not really worth to be full invested without full chillwhisper.
Spamming skills without offhand or 2-handed spell weapon always seems weird to me, also you need to put seal of blades in main-hand if DW to have the ADCTH for your devo and most skills.

hmmm… With single chillhearts, It’s not effective to use stormfire, then need to switch to chillspikes instead. Maybe something like this:

Though this will be another chillwhisper… LoL. And with one chillhearts, it will be questionable to go with my devo setup… Hmmm…

Yeah. Might need to really test it without full chillwhisper since full chillwhisper is boring :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like the real power of chillwhisper is in full set because of the mighty mod to blade spirit. That’s why I think going partial might not be a good idea.

If you want another good general set, try rimetongue. I always try to make a melee one with one pointer blade trap just for huge DA debuff. Oh wait, might be able to work now with dying god cold setup… hmm

Did think of rimetongue first but in the end blade trap is still like OFF. If it works it’s just for like 0.3 seconds

Hey, Jabrix,

I was messing around in GT and what started as a meme Reaper ended up as a pretty sound melee Infiltrator. But then I found out (well, you reminded me) that you have already done something very similiar, duh.

So I am going to post my findings here, spent quite a bit of time polishing it.


Crucible performance as recorded by @Plasmodermic

(he moved points for WoR to Arcane Empowerement tho)

If it’s 5:20 in plasmo hand, maybe it’s about 6 minutes in my hand. The build seems like not in a good place. I will try to revisit mine if I have time.

It’s ~5:45 ish in my hands, so should be same in yours, since everyone now plays with 4+3 setup which you should be familiar with. I think it’s in a decent place, but it’s a melee with Beronath’s Shard, so can’t really expect much here.

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I’ve noticed that as well and i’ve been meaning to ask why? It’s not x3 sustainable, you have to go for 4 and you cant reliably do that with a 6 min build. To gain those 2(?) remaining tributes you have to go and die quickly or smth? Why not take 4+4 at that point, if the rule is broken anyway?