[] Shieldbreaker from A to Z, including end game, budget build+leveling guide

I am a speedrunner and reckless af player from many games. I push everything I play HARD. No cheated items on mine either. All my HC runs are legit af.

when you write “no stashed items, just writs and components” you mean not using from shared stash or GDstash? Writs can not be placed in shared stash. Or did you mean Mandates?

yeah lmao, brainfart
Also, no Lokarr, and no previously farmed weapons, relics, armor, etc. I like it to be fresh. I don’t even craft anything with my recipes till I’m 94. I start with level potion and my components, basically.

Ah I figured you also used experience potion :slight_smile: Then 11h is a reasonable time. When I level up my chars that are not SSF, it is usually 6-7h to level 94 with some factions revered. But at that point, I just start to transfer over gear and go for my planned build.

I use no transferred gear at all. My stash is almost always relatively empty, other than keeping things to remind me to try out builds lol. To each his own, but like… I start ulti at level 67-68 normally. My playstyle isn’t for normal people or the feint of heart lol.
We do base game till Loggy is dead, then go to elite around 40-45, then do elite and both DLCs, then got to ulti around 67-68. We are constantly face rolling everything. Don’t always make it to 100, and don’t want to. If we cant do it fast, we just don’t wanna do it lmao

I always start ultimate at level 69 when I speedlevel up my chars :wink:

Are you on HC everytime tho? Most people play HC more cautiously lol

https://www.twitch.tv/rektbyprotoss you should watch this guy if you are interested in HC

I’m far beyond needing to :slight_smile:
His builds are WAY too safe for me. Who clears HC crus with full pharma? No fun in that at all

I mean the speedleveling aspect, he always go to ult at level 69

When he or malagant do it, they have all the benefits of lokarr and playing in SP. I prefer not to have the option to pause and such. Madlad life

Lokarr set is actually worse for HC due to very low armor value. MP makes the game trivial, because of the monster scaling. But perhaps you just play MP but without company? (and you seem to use GI to see cooldowns more clear).

Long story short, I have nothing to prove, and am not trying to have a d***-measuring contest with dudes online to boost my ego. If other people are good at the video game, that is cool. Really don’t care lol. I’m merely talking about how I run it :slight_smile:

Perhaps you could try my attempt in making a modern EoR shieldbreaker for SR at some point?
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2gQyGWZ I posted a similar version like last week or so in here. Maybe you can figure something out that could improve it. One idea I had was to use M combustion band for more RR against those IM and Grava… but that means loosing either +2 ranks to EoR or skill disrupt from the other ring (or the pants, loosing 7% phys res)(or… get skill disrupt as affix on the belt… good luck with that legit! :smiley: )
But according to rumors, will see some change to EoR aspect of the weapons.

TBH I’m working on a meme Shieldbreaker VF build RN. CR in 6:10, SR75 viable. I’m in the midst of some forbidden dark art stashing to figure out the best path forward, but after that, I might.

Yeah you mentioned VF shieldbreaker in my purifier thread. Looking forward to read about the build when you are done with it

I am level 38 now and I use up my energy / mana fast. What is a good way to regain mana so I don’t have to use so many flasks?


I tried to grab the scales of ulcama devotion pretty quick here was my character at level 40 https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNn8m99V (normal) make sure to have the devotion skill bound to a toggle skill (I used flame touched). NOTE against trash monsters, you will just kill them before they hit you, so try to let them hit you once in a while :wink: Furthermore, do not spin unless you have to. No need of moving like Taz all the time :wink:

Also you can see some use of Ectoplasm components (one ring and in helmet) and soul shard in the other ring (energy absorb - you get energy when you takes damage from monster spell that costs energy)

If these things do not help, you can also lower EoR rank with a few points (you still deal ton of damage thanks to those axes) but keep soulfire at max (cost no energy).

If you want, you can upload your char to grim tools and show what you got so we can help further

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At this level you have access to components, which can help you with energy sustain, Ectoplasm and Mark of Illusions.

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Thank you very much. Your tips helped a lot. It works much better now. The link to your level 40 char helped a lot! Thx for the effort.