This is probably another stupid question but if I turn in the heart of onarix for the quest can I still continue to farm this boss? I am a newb I’m sorry I have googled it and haven’t really been able to get a definitive answer. Either way it took me like 12 hours to get to where you said 2.5(I’m a sucker for exploring, half the reason I love this compared to diablo 3). I haven’t even respecced I have 1 ax and I’m level 34 and doing alright, I was going to teleport back and respec after I got a 2nd axe, I have like 10 of them but they are all at level 40. Also does it matter which one is in which slot. like right now I get higher DPS using another Axe in my main and have been using the boss axe in my offhand(I got a level 32 one in the mix.
Also on the grim tools skills pages(diary) the amount of points added to each skill doesn’t include items correct(like 15/16 on EoR doesn’t include the Axes right?)? Is there a way to see what items are giving what bonuses without searching for them? I was trying to find a way and I couldn’t. Sorry again I hate being this noobed out.
Well if it is the first time you played it is natural to take longer time than 2,5h. But 12h I assumed you also like read all lore notes and stuff.
I guess you were too high level when you got to the boss who drops them, items have certain level thresholds. The base levels are 20, 40, 55, etc and then you have affixes levels 22, 35, 41, 50 etc.
Not for EoR skill, but for bat and tip of scales devotion - those only uses main hand wpn dmg (left slot) so for optimal use of those - have highest wpn dmg in left slot.
You truly are a legend sir! And ya i have to read everything lol, have to explore every nook and cranny and cave, I did try to run by everything in FG tho. But I got to the baxe boss i think at level 30 or 31, So ya i must have passed the threshold. I farmed him until level 35 and use a L32 and L35 one because i just said F it after 20 attempts and mainly getting L40s. Ty again, having a blast spinning around. I’m a little squishy but that’s mainly because my gear sucks. At what fire damage percentage do you think i should try to get other affixes? I think i have like 400 right now. Seriously tho TY so much for taking your time and answering my questions. So far I love this community. I can’t wait to get to the next difficulty and play with others!
ps. Can I switch the devotion in the bat skill to EoR or does it work better with BWC? I still don’t really understand all that but i see the twin fangs hitting people I just wasn’t totally sure what procs it.
I bind bat to BWC so that you constantly has chance to heal
Fire +% as a “function” of your level is hard to say. You can look at my diary builds and see what I had at any given level. Remember to focus on defenses, high armor and resistances. I was never squishy, up to the point where I presented my “final” budget build, I was not even close dying once.
Ok i take that back i had nothing slotted into the gear so i added a few things and some bosses can get me down in health but thats because im lazy, and now i get the BWC function. CTRL + Shift Doesnt work for me, do you use any mods ? I tried to use griminternals but i couldn’t get it to run so i gave up.
i just found that out and was coming back to edit. LOL but it helps. TY. how many facepalms have you done since i started asking questions? over/under is 5 right now, lol.
Ok so for the scales devotion it says I need 8 affinity points to add points to that, how did you manage to get 8? What did you put points into so you could add to points to that one, or should i just use whatever then respec?
Ya your prob right I just follow it as I go, I didn’t even think to read anything related to end game when im not there but I guess I should have read everything. Your still a G.
How to get devotion map for the final build means that you have to put the points in a specific order.
Otherwise yes, you can take temporary devotions to get affinity. And when your target devotion is completed, you can refund the previous one because devotions can sustain themselves with their own affinity bonus on completion.
Is it just a statement (which is wrong, there is no way you know in how many builds I have viper and not, because 99% of my builds have never been posted anywhere) or was there also a hidden question in there? “Why don’t you take viper?” well I can explain that but be prepared for an answer with decently deep game mechanics involved
Click level 50 or 60(in the diary, that’s what i meant by “all your builds”, sorry didnt mean for it to mean something else,remember this is my 2nd week playing lol.), then go into the devotions, thats what im talking about, idk what else you have done lol. I’m going by what’s in the diary, i’m following the devotions in the list now but before i was just using what you had in the character skills screen linked on grim tools. fyi i never have a tone or am trying to be a smart ass, just asking. Also anyways you can take a screen of your loot filter settings. Its hard to tell from the gear you use if your using it for its affixes or for the resists, or both. Again sorry for the confusion, but click the level 50 then grim tools, then click skills then devotions.
Also are there any movement skills in this similar to POE? I see there is kind of a movement skill in using Emblem fo the charging bull. Just a newb question if this game had any and if so how to access them.
Resists = prio one, then armor, then DA, then dmg/OA
Yeah I did so, what should I look at? When I leveled, I had no clear idea in mind what my final devotions would be. For the final level 100 builds, I took devotion clearing potion to reset them (saving some time, iron and aether crystals) and remade them.
It is written here
That I did not use the final devotions 100% as I leveled.
No idea what PoE is like but anyway, you get movement skills early from the faction vendors in convlave of the three, later on you craft them at blacksmith once you have dropped and learned blueprints for them. Most of them are random drops (like almost everything else in this game) but some are shattered realm specific.
So have you noticed any changes that the latest patch did to this build? I noticed you don’t really use any set pieces so is there a build you recommend transitioning to after I get to 100? Again sorry for the newbie questions I just looked at the tier list(lol I picked this build looking at the 1.6 tier list not 1.8 so it was like an 8 now its a 7 or something but still a blast to play so far and very accessible.) and the spreadsheet but its like another language and there aren’t many builds updated to the latest patch. Thanks again for taking time out and answering all my questions. I do appreciate the hell out of you for doing it.
EoR builds have never been top tier in performance afaik.
I have not played my EoR build latest patch yet, and most of us who post builds have lives and do not have time or energy to update our builds and guides patch is not even 1 week old.
Judging from what I have seen playing my other chars in SR, the chunks have become harder and the boss rooms easier. So I would expect that one has to play a bit more careful in the chunks.
Pick builds you think are fun to play, the builds in those tier list require BiS gear and good pilot skills that a noob does not have.
Cyclone Archon and Warborn Warlord used to be pretty strong back in the days, but EoR builds in general have been nerfed since then ( both should still be good), retal Warlord still holds up, but that’s because it’s retaliation and there’s Madlee’s Pierce Dervish which he never posted.
Hey, Nery! I was doing another of my reckless hardcore runs (no stashed items, just mandates and components, and running the game hard and fast in MP) and looking for ideas, and I came across this post. I thought the devotions and weapons were really cool, so I put aside my bias for running EoR Templar with korvan halberds, and loosely followed what you did here. Absolutely loved the build, and had tons of fun. My buddy died on Kymon, right at level 99, before we finished the run lmao. Anyways, this is what I ended up with (I know I was lucky to get all those legendaries!)
Just wanna give full props to this guide and show people that even if u deviate, as I did, it’s still great in the end and great for HC.
Only 11 hours to powerful and in the end game. Even if you discount the belt and ammy I crafted, and my luck with the items, I got TONS and TONS of “of Scorched Ends” gear to boost EoR. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
yeah it is a guide after all, no need to follow it 100%, in general you will find way better items than what I did (well I did find them but decided to play in “scraps” anyway just to show it is possible)
I did in I think 29h, but that was 100% SSF not a single transferred or “cheated” items, but I did not push it to the extreme because tbf it is was so freaking fun just doing totems in Ultimate with this build After the build in the guide was done, I transfered over a celestial waystone just to see if one could get to point to buy SR with the setup and yes it was. Not easy, but doable, would not recommend to do that in HC, but rather I would gear up just doing more totems and lower SR instead