Hey, nice Build.
I’ve got a Question about the Devotions. Wouldn’t it be better to take Rhowans Crowm above the Witchblade? The RR from the Pets and the Witchblade shouldnt stack.
Hey, nice Build.
I’ve got a Question about the Devotions. Wouldn’t it be better to take Rhowans Crowm above the Witchblade? The RR from the Pets and the Witchblade shouldnt stack.
They stack, the -Y% debuffs (from different sources) stacks, it is the flat “X reduced” that you can maximum have one of.
I thought it was.
for exampe: Fire% // Elemental% // Resistance% one of Each?
the -Y% debuffs you can have how many of as you like, as long as they come from different sources (like the Guardians auras will not stack with eachother - only one can debuff a monster).
e.g here we have -x% from termite mines, solael witchblade devo proc and the guardians aura. All of this stacks.
We already have one source of flat RR, the tip of the scales proc.
The “X reduced targets elemental resistances” on elemental storm is X fire, X cold and X lightning.
The “X reduced targets resistances” on tip of the scales is X fire, Xcold, Xlightning, Xpierce, X physical, X bleed, Xaether and X chaos.
just read your link, Thanks for clarification!
Hi everyone,
I recently started playing Grim Dawn and i love it. I come from a diablo 1,2,3 background and warrior/barb was my cup of tea, with fast attacks or whirlwind, so i naturally stumbled upon this build and it suits me just right. I’m lvl 65 right now and loving the playstyle. I just hope when i hit ultimate at some point with the items shown above i can play normally, w/out any difficulties or too much deaths.
Sticking to the basics now, learning the game, the mechanics and not worrying about late game farming.
Thank you @Nery, @Ulvar1 and all others who pitched in for this awesome build.
P.S. waiting for the end game build as well
I posted build I made and played for a while here [] Shieldbreaker from A to Z, including end game, budget build+leveling guide
happy you liked build, It was very fun to make (though I am not a fan of the EoR skill in high SR due to you get interrupted with CC and also not having a good computer hurts too )
Yup that’s the one i’m following!
I feel you on the need to have a better pc, although i get stutters (quick 1sec fps drops) in the game on any video setting. I don’t know why that is? Played w/out antialiasing, shadows, lighting…etc still the stutters persist. Maybe it needs an upgrade in better compatibility and versatility when it comes to graphics.
Play without Vsync, update graphics drivers. If it doesn’t help , try windowed mode.
I tried windowed, i think it solved my issues. Thank you
@Ulvar1 what about the Blademaster’s Talisman? Is it worth it? (btw do we ever get to proc mutilate skill with EoR?)
Also, what about Alazra’s Ruby for an amulet instead?
Another one for you: why not get Magi + Ulzuin (5points to get meteor) and use both skills (fissure + meteor)?
So instead of 5 devo skills, you now have 6.
(You remove hawk or wendigo points)
Thank you
@lachdanan you can edit posts, click on the . . . and select the pen.
Blademaster talisman worth it? Nah, it is just a placeholder until we get the “Mythical Korvaak’s brand” medal that allows dual wield weapons. The “mutilate” will not activate from EoR because EoR is not a default attack replacer (this is why we dont use Smite skill from oathkeeper, it can not activate from EoR)
I valued physical resistances, that is why the wendigo node is there. Also I do not like to use lot of other skills when EoR’ing. Feel free to try other devotions and see what you prefer most.
Alazra’s ruby medal is great, can be used for sure.
So I just started playing GD and I’m following this guide. It says to go to FG asap and farm that axe. When exactly should I do that? Like I’m L14 should I go now or wait until a certain level and then go farm after as needed. Also how should I approach it, just run past everything and get that quest or complete everything up until then. Sorry I’m super green and I’m loving this game so far I’m just trying to figure out what’s what. Ty in advance.
You can follow my diary, I mention there when I did get there
Basically go to FG when you kill Warden, and do quests for solael faction. Then go to vanguard of the three and get quest to open a chthonic rift east of vanguard, that rift is good place to farm the axe. Also very quick to do runs to get two decent axes pretty early.
But in order to dual wield them you need relic from devil crossing faction which you will be after you have killed Cronley in act 2 (and maybe also kill some cronley heros for faction reputation). I managed to switch to dual wield axe EoR build at level 27.
And yes, I did mention that in FG, I basically just ran past everything that was not quest related
Where’s the diary, like I said bear with me I’m greener than a Tesla fully charged.
In the first post
I assumed you read the first entry, the important preparations since you had those questions?
Yea I’m just an idiot, that’s what I’ve been following. But you answered my question, kill the warden then hit up FG.
Hey @Ulvar1,
Have eor on rmb skill and move on lmb. Then u see on first char tab dps like on my build pic in the first post of this thread.
Yup. Dope.
I did not bother to farm rep etc to craft solael medal until pretty late. Blazeseer medal also good. No big deal but it is good budget option. For fully geared end game build you want korvaak brand medal so you can use another relic (you get dual wield from korvaak medal )