[] Elemental DW Purifier: A build concept

I wish we had it. To my regret @Zantai doesn’t plan to add mythical or legendary version to support ranged Arcanist elemental builds. :pensive:

Yeah, the masteries combination is an obvious choice. BTW, any chance you try sorc build as well? :slight_smile:

Next time I’ve got some time off I’ll try to draft up a sorcerer version :+1:

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Hey, decent concept. I think you could improve it a lot tho, here are some of my suggestions:

  1. By not taking 15 flat elemental 50% elemental 70 DA augments you are missing on 150% of Elemental damage. Pretty big for tri-elemental builds.
  2. that Slow res is a usuall a downfall of any auto-attacker
  3. DA is a bit low for consistent endgame farming
  4. that amulet does offer us some nice max res, but I am not sure it can beat blue Beronath
  1. I’ll have to try those
  2. In-game slow resistance is about 40 due to the new throne changes (and I crafted one of my craftable items at a smith that gave slow res bonus)
  3. My movement rune was chosen partially to remedy this, but it could also be solved by taking some points from arcane empowerment and adding them to WoR.
  4. I might try beronath, but I’m convinced it would not be noticeably better.

Also, I’m not actually losing any flat damage on my jewelry augments. Chaos damage is fully converted to elemental.

well, obviously make a few ranged sorcs for the heck of it. Concrete builds, results, and footage can, not necessarily change a heart, but result in results.

I would recommend ~60% slow res if you want to try Crucible. Permanent ~2950-3000 DA is also what I would aim for, Disengagement is cool and all (with that OA shred), but it can’t be always applied to every dangerous mob closing in on you.

Essence of Beronath amulet is just good, you don’t have a lot of means of amassing flat Elemental damage, that amulet is one of them.

I know that you convert chaos, but 150% elemental from proper augments is still a lot for tri-elemental builds given how your Lightning and Cold damage values are quite low.

Also, I was reminded that the transmuter for FS doesn’t work with 1-handed ranged, so I’ll adjust that eventually

Cast your vote! :slight_smile:

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Because of your exceptionally timely plug, you get my vote :grava_yes:

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You got caught mister Praetorian :smile:

But I like your concept! DW Purifier is my only build, which I leveled ranged from start to bottom. Because at the time I didn’t have many items, I used just blue rings, set, amulet, etc. So am Luminari by nature and love your topic :+1:

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@Snazzblaster - I think you posted this in the wrong section since I don’t see a Crucible/SR time in the title. Must be a #deadbuild.

Can’t be dead if it was never alive :Ayy: where my discord emojis at

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I would use this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m2335EE2 as baseline. Crab is mandatory if you want to use our favorite nerfed blue beronath.

Only 6 epics, into the dumpster it goes. I play builds with only 7 or more epics :wink:

I should clarify I’m joking before someone has a hernia


8 epics, is this a weapon to surpass metal gear?? :scorv:
