This is similar build to my latest Bonemonger build, it’s combination between Storm Box and procs. Super colorful and fun but at same time have pretty decent damage. Nothing groundbreaking. I am not sure if something like this is posted but credits to these people and to all of community builders, that explore every options and create some pretty spectacular builds!
- with permanent buffs only
Mage Hunter?
Yup, Arcanist don’t have RR but lot of other goodies. And I tried Purifier, for some reason is significantly slower without any suitability gains
Going for two sets usually lead to "sweet’’ results. Here Cataclysm set proc is nice bonus to Box and defense of LD. Both sets boost quite high the OA. Relic+Gun are for RR, weak point here.
Box on steroids, Chain lightning on spam, Cataclysm proc and also nice damage from Spear+Ultos devotion combo.
This build crits virtually everything. 3.8k OA but Deadly Aim increase it further, also great DA shred by Storm Box, sitting pretty at 26/16.
Picking Mage Hunter class, next…
Actually I don’t quite like the physical resistance here, but Ghoul proc and boots can compensate for that. Also heavy armor on a caster should be considered illegal. Build have instant damage reduction from Censure, absorb from both types, heal, Mirror, just multiple defensive tools.
Build is sturdy in Crucible, not unkillable of course. Times depend on mutators and if you run into stupid Maiden. Grava can be dangerous too. Valdaran is harmless but he adds some time on the clock with his innate high lightning resistance. Kuba and Reaper is what you want for speed&comfort in Crucible. I haven’t tested the build in SR, 75 should be possible probably with little tweaks.
So times… I clear on average probably in like 6:45 or so, here’s my video 6:25!
Have a blast!