Kudos on min maxing aether FS defiler! It should be really painful indeed with all the lack of stats.
BTW, wraithwalker boots is usually better if you can’t have 2 piece of krieg.
Kudos on min maxing aether FS defiler! It should be really painful indeed with all the lack of stats.
BTW, wraithwalker boots is usually better if you can’t have 2 piece of krieg.
Thanks and great idea for the boots!
That’s a good take on a tricky class, gj!
May i suggest dual skull if you can fit it? Very handy at killing Grava and Reaper.
Say Nery, as a DW melee supporter, could you give my build i posted recently a go? It’s another DW aether FS but Sorcerer. I wonder what can it do in the hands of a more experienced pilot with a good PC. I’ll send you the folder if you are interested.
Thanks, I appreciate your comment!
Good pilot and good PC? You’re confusing me with someone.
I don’t mind testing your build but I am not going to improve your times probably.