- That’s what Google shows me as Defiler. Since I have no idea what’s a Defiler, I will take it!
Defiler is considered as one of the weakest classed in the game and absolutely deserves it’s infamous status. But still you can make decent build out of it. Bonemonger set can do a good job in many aether or elemental builds. Frankly I don’t see why it doesn’t support Demo but OK.
Credit for posting multiple builds using Bonemonger to @Valinov and @thejabrixone
- Permanent buffs and Soul Harvest. DPS for Fire Strike
GRIM TOOLS- https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXmJOX2
Main damage is from FS, interacting with Necro WPS. Build have natural decent OA and crit damage from Dying God helps with build critting stuff. RR is very good, since both classes have - aether RR, but also nice proc from Dreadfire, Bonemonger set bonus and Widow devotion. Procs from Bonemonger, Fiend and Spear are for support damage.
Build have good life steal, Ghoul, Blast Shield, Ravenous Earth for damage reduction. If you die too often try Bat instead of Fiend.
Since Defiler don’t have CC or resistances or even DA it’s hard to patch all the holes. So I have to make few sacrifices. Boots gives Stun reduction, Pants-slow. Rings convert fully chaos to aether and helps with the elemental resistances. Options are Magelord signets. Important choices:
Weapons, decided to go one Mindwarp+Dreadfire, sort of combination between -RR and +1 Demo and Mindwarp, obviously the best possible weapon here.
Relic, Serenity. Great defensive relic, also gives +1 to both skills.
Gloves, Justice. Since I can’t make 2x Krieg, decided to take these. Pierce res and OA are the selling points. Flat fire is fully converted.
Belt is for stats and conversion.
Medal is allowing me to dual wield. Decided that racial, aether res and OA is more important than the bonuses provided by the other DW medal- Korvaak.
Build will smash everything in Crucible except highly resistant enemies and you have them in bunches. Biggest trouble are waves 169 and 170. I suggest to make few side steps and not allow constant direct hits by Anasteria or Korvaak.
Times are between 6:40 and 7:20 with success rate in my play around 65% or similar number. But if you play recklessly you can die often.
Here’s video from 150-170 around 6:40 Didn’t hit the correct button to start recording