[]The Shitmaster SR80

Nothing. The medal just gives more points to BB which has phys retal in it.

Quality shitpost, 9,5 feces out of 10.

This build is the shit.

congrats :poop:

Holy shit!

A wild endgame-capable Soiled Trouser’s build has appeared!

As you can plainly see, people are shitting themselves over seeing that Medal finally used in an endgame build - congratulations! :poop:

Don’t throw all of your feces at one build only!

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I’d like to translate this for eszvgy
屎力佳作 9.5粪

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Interesting use of the conduit/medal/Terrify/Blade Barrier. Basically a Counterstrike build? (That’s got to be where large portion of the damage comes from).

it’s also shit-stack RATA




Throwing feces to start a Rumor :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

This build needs to be perpetuated in a PDF format book- Eat, Pray, Shit!

Hey be safe out there! And be aware of the flying feces. And I am done shitting this post.

1/3 damage from the feces,1/3 from the conterstrike,1/3 from the normal retaliation