[]The Shitmaster SR80

Hi,im back.This time i come back with a very funny and smelly Build.Please dont nerf it.I being nerfed every time when i post my build in here.


Never underrate the shit. I’m not joking!It’s a aoe last 6s,hit peer second with 5% Retaliation Damage. Then how many feces I can throw in 6s? How many Retaliation Damage peer sencond?When the numbers of feces reach the maximum,use the blade barrier. The feces well still causing damge when I trapped by the blade barrier,and the blade barrier well double the retaliation damage. The shit causing 1/3 damage in this Building.




too late , Z already nerfed this , keep broken builds away from public eyes next time

Mythical Crest of Winter Fortitude? First time I see it in a build! :astonished:

What being nerfed?

Zantai nerfs builds which can reach under 6 min in crucible and not always, it’s usually near 5 min so don’t worry about it.

Interesting build btw, pretty creative to use blademaster for acid retaliation.

so…when was the last time your build got nerfed?

I think @Snowmanplayer123 was joking

Your “attacks” are blade barrier and counter strike, right?
So basically you let yourself get hit in order to kill stuff.
And that all the way throu SR80?

… Is that a satisfactory and fun playstyle??

This is a pretty Shitty build. :ok_hand:


Don’t forget the Throw Feces,and never underrate the shit. I’m not joking!It’s a aoe last 6s,hit peer second with 5% Retaliation Damage. Then how many feces I can throw in 6s? How many Retaliation Damage peer sencond?When the numbers of feces reach the maximum,use the blade barrier. The feces well still causing damge when I trapped by the blade barrier,and the blade barrier well double the retaliation damage. The shit causing 1/3 damage in this Building

OK, I take everything back.
Your speech convinced me - the build is hillarious!:grimacing:


He’s one of the guys who brought us the DA meta :stuck_out_tongue:

Also IIRC he used jaxxons on ranged FS before it was cool.


@sir_spanksalot look at the ammy

I saw. Look at the medal

Fuck I meant the medal

#readabook every now and then, pls

Can’t find this post on a book, eh?


I’ll never understand retal builds. Where is the conversion?

All normal global conversion affect retal. Also counter strike has a phys to acid mod, making all retal he deals with cs acid. Normal retal stays the same tho IIRC.

What about the cold retal on BB?