I redesigned my Character from an Uroboruuk’s Ritualist to an Uroboruuk’s Apostate. The Character has now better OA and DA. My life steal is now 39% base and moves up to 62% when Bloodthister is activated. Drain Essence is bound to Twin Fangs for Life Steal and i use Siphon Souls for more damage and life Steal.
Death Sentence and Aether corruption are used to lower Enemies Aether Resistances by -28% and -8% respectively and The Ascendants Wrath also lowers Aether Resistance to -20% on Critical Hits.
Drain essence Deals 160K Damage split between Aether and Vitality Decay at a 3/1 Ratio in favour of Aether.
Nice build man, but isn’t Uro have full vitality to aether conversion? For vitality build Ritualist is great class but for aether Arcanist and Inquisitor are better support classes.
See 100% vitality to aether conversion, you don’t have vitality damage. Vitality decay can’t be converted , since its DoT damage and aether damage don’t have DoT compartment.
I went for the Shaman for Wendigo Totem and for the Health benefits. Do you think i should redesign it to Arcanist for Aether damage. I originally built his second class as occultist and it was useless.
You should most certainly make him a spellbinder or an apostate. Nery did a very decent DE binder recently too, he can give you some great pointers.
@Fug: If interested, here’s my take on a vitality based DE cabalist. It’s not the best build because I was forced to use non-set pieces. I’m hoping the helm gets rebalanced to %DA instead of %CDR.
That is an excellent build. I am sorry, i really should not have posted my build as i am out of my depth here. I am a total armature when it comes to builds. I am certainly going to redesign him as a Spellbinder.
Let me stop you right there. Everyone and anyone is welcome to post their builds.
Nothing is too good, or too bad to be posted.
You just need to be open to feedback and criticism. 99% of the people I know here are direct, but well intentioned. They give criticism because they genuinely want to see your build improve, and not to mock it. <3
EDIT: @Fug - in fact, it’d be great if you keep posting. You could join the crafting community; we are a pretty welcoming bunch.
You don’t have to feel sorry about that, mate! You can try aether version with Uro set or you can go for vitality build since you have already level 100 Ritualist.