[] Classless [HC] The Sentinel of Cairn

You tackling Nemesis with this build Contragor?

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I’m reporting the OP for self-harm.

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My advice would be to do this AFTER you’ve done absolutely everything else in the game (well, 'kept maybe Crate). Because at least when it happens you’ll be able to pour a good stiff shot of your favorite whisky, toss it back and say, “It is finished.”


I did Valdaran, Moosi and Fabius quite comfortably. Fabius was an afk kill btw. The build can handle most nems. I just got sidetracked with other adventures for a bit but will be back for more testing at some point.


Hello. I’m also doing the challenge. I’m streaming that as well! On my Twitch.
Here’s a little gem from what I did so far :slight_smile:

Wish me luck and streamer RNG! :smiley:

Or not. :woman_shrugging:

Hopefully I figured this out this time now. :frowning:


More this evening, if not, then tomorrow and so on! :muscle: :wink:

Take your time, this challenge can be brutal. And for the love of God don’t side with Solael. Their quest boss almost cost me 100+ hours of work during that run lol

Good luck!


Thanks for the hint!
I already had my attempts previously. I dropped the challenge for some time due to the lack of time to play + overall feeling of being burned out from the game, and also the mistake that caused my death was pretty meme’ish to speak about. I forgot to swap my inventory from Aether resistance to Chaos resistance after completing Homestead, and got randomly one-shooted by a hero mob chtonic cultist. :smile:
Was fun tho. That was my second death anyways.
This is my very first death:

Probably shouldn’t even go in there without trap resistance in the very first place, but I did so anyway, and it proved out to be a really stupid idea. :smile:

You mean Ramzul? You can just ignore him and rush towards the sarcophagus and pick up the eye.

LoL really??? I had no clue that was even an option. Facepalm…